Backed into a Corner

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"What did you do with Bakugo?" Tsu, the girl from the USJ, stood trembling before me. She was trying not to seem all that emotional but I just took one look at her face and knew there was a tornado of feelings swirling around in the poor girl's head. Fear. Anger. Betrayal. I shook my head and tugged at one of my gloves.

"That's confidential."

"So you admit you did something? You're not even trying to hide it? Are you proud of yourself? Look what you've become! That's not the same boy I met at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint," she spluttered. I hope she leaves soon, she's really starting to get on my nerves.

"Yes, no, and yes. You're right, I'm not the same person. I'm ten times better. Now I suggest you leave before you get yourself killed, Froppy." She bravely grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside.

"I'm not leaving until I get an answer from you. Where. Is. Bakugo." It's hard to take her seriously when she's angry like this.

"I can't tell you where I left him, but let's just say he's an apparition, living among us." I locked eyes with her and she stared blankly. "Now tell me a bit of information in return. Where are they hiding, and are they after me?"

"They're just around the corner. They want to catch you and the rest of the villains here with you." She gasped and covered her mouth. "How did you-" I cut her off and whipped out a dagger, drawing a knife across her throat. She tried to hop away, but I was too fast.

"Thanks, but I'll take it from here." I felt confident in my freshly sharpened blade, but I decided to go back inside. Just another day. Suddenly, I felt a strong force binding my waist and chest. Kamui Woods stood just out of range. He made a huge mistake though. I was able to move my hands just enough to reach the gun in my pocket, and shots fired, he lay on the ground. Other heroes came running at me so I used my knife to cut the thin wood restraining me and ran inside the building. If I could just find Kurogiri, we could all escape.


They had all of us backed into a corner, and they were ready to strike at the slightest movement. I was prepared for the same, gun held out in front of me. I couldn't aim it at one specific person though. We, The League of Villains, were surrounded. Dabi stepped in front of us and put his hands up.

"You got me. Take me away. Put me in jail," he said, and the heroes looked at him skeptically. Edgeshot moved quickly to bind his hands together, which only resulted in him and two other heroes being dramatically burnt to a crisp. All hell broke loose. Toga was throwing knives, Twice was making clones and I fired my gun as many times as I possibly could. In that moment, there was no thinking at all. Only doing. That chaotic strategy resulted in our failure.

You could barely see what was going on in all the commotion. It was less like a heroes versus villains battle and more like a crowd of people rushing to get the last product on black Friday. Several more heroes ended up dead, and Magne was seriously injured. I haven't mentioned Magne much, but she's a really good and really cool person overall. Her quirk is fairly powerful but I guess she got distracted in the dumpster fire of a battle we had and lost control. Toga, with her hands cuffed behind her back, tried to scoot over and help Magne, but she couldn't get to her without one of the few heroes left stepping in the way. I couldn't help but feel for Toga. Magne is like a big sister to her, and she would be devastated if Magne couldn't heal.

None of this explained where Kurogiri was though.

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