Now Murder (alright pull ya hatchets out)

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I'll spare you the gory details of what happened next. Just imagine a villain ripping apart his helpless enemy, knife in hand, blood gushing mercilessly. In that moment, everything was red. All I could see was red. Kacchan's eyes had a weird luster to them, and everything was a blur. Once the light left his eyes, the world around me turned to a dulling grey. It all felt too similar. I felt the urge to panic. I fought it. There was really no reason to. I'm happy he's finally dead, and killing him was so much fun. That's not why I was panicking. Was I too riled up? No, I've felt this before. At the sports festival. That doesn't really explain why, though.

The heroes did eventually come, but I had already left the building, out the back. I spotted a few kids snooping around on my way out but decided to ignore them. Probably trying to play hero. I knew I'd be pushed around for ditching like that, but I've had enough fun today. Dabi had burned the corpse for me so it was easier to hide. You thought I was going to tell you where it is? A good criminal is like a magician, we never reveal our secrets unless we're stupid.

Avoiding all that commotion with the heroes was quite a task, but I got around to the peace and quiet I needed. These details are unimportant, though. I returned to the base to find it standing almost completely unharmed, except for that part of the wall All Might had smashed. I thought it was funny how late they were. Everybody else was there as well, but Shigaraki had an abnormally depressed look on his face. It was easy to see him trembling, even from far away. Like any empathetic person would do, I gave him a concerned look, but this time, I meant it.

"I just.. I just wanted to help.. And now they've got him.." His voice displayed how upset he was and I felt a pang in my heart. I knew how important All For One was to him but he never really showed it. "He was all I had.. And- and they had to take that away too.. Stupid- stupid heroes.. This never would've happened if- if they hadn't been so ignorant in the first place." In that instant, I decided I would just stay quiet and observe, for fear of saying something insensitive. He had just lost his whole world and I was afraid of making the situation far worse.

"You have us, Tomura. We're here for you. Isn't that the whole point of the League?" Toga attempted to comfort him. It seemed to be working. 

"I second that statement. When one of us falls, the others are here to build them back up. We'll be by your side." I've never heard something like that come out of Dabi's mouth. Magne nodded in agreement. "Plus, he put you out of the fight because he cares about you as much as you do for him, so don't be too sad about it."

The League is united in such a way that we're all somewhat dependent on each other. It's like someone made an effort to piece a broken glass window back together. We do the wrong things for the right reason. Everyone here has been wronged, but our League is proof that misfortune can lead to finding your family. We kill because we seek revenge against those who wronged us, which isn't necessarily a good thing in some people's opinion, but it's what brings us together.

"Thank you." Shigaraki stood. "We'll avenge All For One. We'll make those dumb heroes pay."

"That's the spirit!" Twice exclaimed. "Let's get off our butts, stop grieving and start planning our next attack!" Toga clapped excitedly, and Shigaraki smiled. Sure, we're still a broken glass window, but we're a whole.

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