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The figure stared at me with its bright yellow eyes. I couldn't even tell if it was human, it just looked like a cloud of some sort. Then I realized it was wearing a suit. Must be somebody's quirk.

"That villain was pretty rough with that child." A deep voice came from the cloud. Was he talking to me?

"Oh- um, yeah, he sure was," I replied quietly. See, if I were to describe myself in two words, they would be socially awkward. I wasn't sure if he was talking to me so I mumbled. If he was, he would be listening for my voice in reply but hopefully he didn't hear it in the case he wasn't talking to me. There's a small peek into the mind of an awkward 14-year-old for you.

"You look sad. What seems to be the problem, young man?"

"Um, well, I was just upset because I couldn't help my friend with that villain.." If this man is trying to hurt me, I can't let him know I'm quirkless and unarmed. He might try and take advantage of me.

"Ah. You are very compassionate." Is this guy so bored that he sits in alleyways and talks to strange kids?

"Uh- really? Thanks, I guess.."

"Why couldn't you help him?"

There was the question I've been dreading. I can't let my guard down. If I try to run away, he can probably just stop me in my tracks, I'm not very fast. And if I tell him I'm quirkless, well, you know.

"I didn't really think I could.. I'm not very physically adept for situations like that." I said exactly what I didn't want to. Well, almost. My words can slip out of my mouth according to what I'm thinking sometimes, and that's something I need to fix. Now I've struck up a conversation that I don't know how to get out of. I should've just walked away in the first place.

"I can help you with that. Our league could use someone like you." League? What kind of-

"Um- n- no thanks, I think I should be heading home, it's getting dark-" As soon as I started to walk away, a huge portal opened in front of me. I tripped through the portal, and on the other side there was a man. No, several men. I panicked and stared up at them, looming over me. The purple cloud man appeared behind me as the portal shrunk.

"Who is this kid, Kurogiri? I told you not to bring in a wimp." This man had an extremely raspy voice, and I noticed scratch marks on his neck. He's in desperate need of some lotion.

"I can assure you, he is not a wimp, Tomura. His expression and tone reveal a certain potential." I just sat there confused at this point. What are these guys going on about?

"Man's got an eye for those types of things, Shiggy. He's pretty bad at picking out people." Well that made no sense whatsoever. The voice came from a man in some sort of costume, covered completely from head to toe.

"Shut up already, I guess I'll give him a chance," the dry-skinned man said and proceeded to look me in the eye. There was a hand on his face, which just creeped me out even more. I started panicking, and I guess they noticed.

"Hey hey, don't worry kid. We're all nice here. Nobody here is kind, you're doomed," the man in the costume said to me.

"I- I'm not sure whether to be intimidated or comforted by that statement." All I have to do is show these guys I'm not afraid. This is going to be tough.

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