chapter 9

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POV: Shadow
I pushed the door open to get to Maxcel's cell. His tail wagged at seeing me. "Look who came back after walking out on me." He grinned.

"You shut up- No, don't. I want answers." I didn't want to hear anything coming out of his mouth but I needed answers to what was happening to me, to what it meant.

"Oh, answers. Answers to what?" He leaned against the bars.

"What is this gun? What is it doing to me?" Those were the most important questions.

"The gun," The wolf chuckled. "The gun is something special. Magical. I didn't find it, it found me. It spoke to me, and I was all in for the chaos- I still am. I am lustful too, like you-"

"I'm not lustful." I interrupted him, snarling.

He shrugged. "Whatever you say, but you're lying to yourself. You fight against the gun. You shouldn't do that. Give in. It will give you all you want; sex and murder." Maxcel smirked. "Your girl will be all yours. She will be all over you, wanting nothing but you."


"Interested, are we?" He chuckled. I wasn't. But I need answers to what the gun can do and how it works. Then I know how I can avoid being affected by it. "Well, you shoot her." The wolf explained.

"Shoot hi- her?! You want to have her harmed?"

He laughed at me. "Not with a bullet you idiot. With the other side of the gun. It has the illusion of a bullet but once it hits your target, she will be seduced~"

I tilted my head. Other side of the gun? What does this guy mean?

"What are you looking confused for? I thought you used it before." Maxcel raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. But I only shot it. I didn't do this- seduce thing."

"It's all in the hammer. You cock it backward, it fires a deadly bullet. If you cock it forward, it will seduce." He explained. "Only we can use it. It's useless to others as they aren't like us. They don't have the desire, the lust."

So that's how it works, I thought. "Hmm.."

He clapped in his hands. "So, does that answer your questions?"

I just nodded. I have to control my desire, or get rid of it, to not fall under the control of the gun. I don't know what I will do when I fall under its control, and I don't even wanna know. Something tells me it will ruin my chances of ever being with Sonic.

"Are you interested in using it?~" Maxcel asked, smirking from ear to ear. "You must be really desperate to be with your girl if you suddenly want to use the gun since you didn't want to have anything to do with it before."

I snarled. "No, I'm not planning on ever using it."

"Ah, this was so you can avoid it?" Maxcel chuckled. "Too bad. You can't avoid it. You will fall to it eventually."

I have talked enough with the guy. I got my answers. Still can't stand this guy to be around him any longer. So I left and closed the heavy door. I went to the commander's office to tell I will be off for the weekend. I had a feeling he won't let me. Even then I will still go. He will send a search team out to get me back, but I don't care. I need to be away from this gun.

"I will take my leave for the weekend." I told Tower.

"I don't think so. You're staying. We're not done with testing, and seeing how you are the only one who is able to use it, besides the criminal, you are staying." 

"You can't keep me here forever! I get days off too!" I snarled at him.

"You know arguing with me is useless. I own you." The commander snapped his fingers and agents came in. "Take him away, to the cells." They grabbed me.

"You bastard!" I yelled at him as they dragged me away. "I'm getting you back for all of this! Mark my words!"

Tower chuckled. "Your threats are nothing."

I was brought to one of the cells and locked up. With no chaos emerald in hand, I couldn't chaos control me out of this situation.

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