chapter 4

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POV: Shadow
I can't say how much I hate that man. Tower is a cunt, a cunt with power. If he didn't have that power I wouldn't be bound to this facility. I am a living being with a life but to them I'm nothing more but a project, a weapon made for destruction. And that wasn't even my purpose. It was the opposite, heal. How ironic that now I'm being used to destroy.

"Handsome.. ignore those pricks." Rouge tried to calm my nerves.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped at her. My anger and frustration levels were high. Anything could irritate me at this point. "I despise that stupid nickname and you know it." I hissed.

"It's kinda my thing."

"I know, and it's annoying." I grumbled as I clenched my fists. "Leave me be." I walked in the direction of our office. I needed to be on my own to cool off. That wasn't happening with Rouge around.

"Can't do." She flew past me to our office and opened the door. I groaned before walking in. There wasn't anywhere else I could go.

"Detecting high anger levels." Omega stated.

"No shit." I went over to my desk and grabbed the mug I was drinking from earlier. The coffee had gotten cold a long time ago. "Ragh!" I smashed it against the wall and it broke, pieces shattering.

"You think a bucket of ice-cold water will cool you down?" Rouge questioned, sitting on her desk. I glared at her with a look that said try and you will die. "No? What about your loved one~?"

That sent me over the edge. In the blink of an eye, I was holding a deadly chaos spear. I had it aimed at Rouge, ready to strike. I quickly snapped out of it and got the chaos spear to disappear.

Rouge looked a little shaken up. I snapped and got aggressive sometimes but never to the point that I would threaten her life. She shouldn't bring that topic up. "...Sensitive." Rouge remarked.

I growled and left it at that. I didn't want to talk about it. It was bad enough that wolf has brought it up.

Speaking of the wolf, we had to keep watch over him. It wouldn't be long before Ron would come barging in and order us to watch him.

"Though, what Maxcel said is proven right." Rouge pointed out. I looked at her, still pissed and not wanting to talk about the subject. Still, she continued. "He sensed a desire coming from you. He said you would become like him. Seeing that you are able to use the gun, his gun, his blaring ain't all none sense."

"I'm really not in the mood to talk about that." I grumbled. My thoughts had gone there already. It was unsettling. Has my crush gotten out of hand? Am I now holding lust back?

"You're never in the mood to talk about.. anything at all!" Rouge huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Then why don't you stop trying to talk to me?!" I snarled. "Cause I'm not going to talk to you about this!"

"Whatever it is you're talking about has to wait for later. You two have to go watch over the prisoner." If I wasn't right, Ron came barging in and told us what to do.

Groaning, I got up. We were led back to the cell. Maxcel was sitting down, watching how his tail was swinging from side to side. He perked up at seeing us. "Well well well, if it aren't my two favorite beings from this hell hole." That stupid grin of his again.

I growled. I really didn't want to be around this guy, especially now. "You're definitely not my favorite person."

"Ow. Why do you hurt my feelings? We're like soulmates." Maxcel was pouting.

This guy, "We're NOT soulmates. We're nothing at all!" I snarled.

"How can you say that? The gun bound us together~"

"I don't want to have anything to do with either you or that gun. Both can get thrown off a cliff for all I care."

"Too bad, seems like you're stuck with me." He grinned. "Till death do us apart~"

"Death better comes quickly then.."

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