Paintng Glendale Views

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The ☀️ always seems to set just right.
God must be a procrastinator
like me because he does his best work
just before night.
His brush
licks his canvas with dazzling
oranges, reds, and golds
Mixin' in the sky like a
7-Eleven slurpe mango.
I think we're all the background
of his painting down here
in Glendale Square.
The reds in the sunset is a warm hug
from your grandmother
unlike the hot reds on cars and bandannas
or dried up puddles of red on
the concrete here and there.
The brush strokes of niggas
shootin' dice with rent money
in front of corner stores is shakey
as their life.
That's probably why they
drinkin' dreams out they double cups.
Words run out they mouth
like the crackheads asking for bus fair.
Knowing damn well they fixin to
get their fix somewhere else.
The snow on their nose
highlights the booga suga
between their missing teeth.
The smell of M&P's kitchen
draws attention to the
baggy-eyed babymomma's
just gettin' they kids from school.
I remember when I use to be
one of those badass kids
with smiles to big for ya face you
couldn't be mad at for too long.
I kick back and reminisce all this
in front of watching the sun go to bed
behind this square packed
with black businesses
where i'm writing this.
Businesses that need our 💲upport.
Cuz they'll go up north for white 💰upport
Abandoning SOC like boys who make babies
but ain't man enough to be a daddies.
It makes me want to put all them
on child support.
All hues of the motherland got
plum lips and tight hips with dump trucks
that don't need butt lifts
shop in the square.
These daughters of Oya and Oshun
are straight out the river of cocoa honey wine.
They shimmer and shine like the rims
on Hellcats niggas drive.
Though none of them will snatch the eyes of niggas around here like the green eyes Mary Jane.
In this painting she's passed around
like a baton in body and name.
As a foreign car in this parking lot
it ain't much like what the TV portrays.
Yeah of course their's walkin' talkin' pistols
but that's everywhere in the world these days.
Ask yourself this..why does the blue-eyed
camera lenses be so concentrated
on broadcasting our image in stitches?
If it's like that then let's paint a picture
of a run down alley and frame it
on the face of the planet for the galaxy saying,
"Hey this is Earth, don't come here."
Do you see how one image
makes a world of difference?
I'm not an appraiser but really
all 👁 see is a masterpiece
of Afro-people that looks like me
living life how they can
in the land of our enemies.
God covers his canvas causing night to fall.
I guess Glendale Square is quite
the beautiful painting after all.

                                                            - QtheGreo


I've been living in South Oak Cliff , "SOC" since September and it's December now.  SOC has given me so much gems my treasure chest spills ruby's out my ears.
I feel like every time I go outside I'm punched in the face with inspiration. Those are haymakers I'll take all day.

Don't forget to comment and vote🕺🏾☀️

ASÉ ✊🏿🧿.

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