''You must've been quite surprised, Hugo. Oh no, don't just stay there, stand up. You should protect your dignity as a knight. Mine at that.'' Rosh said.

Hands from his shadows got a hold of Hugo's body and forcefully put him on his feet. Hugo felt absolutely confused and shocked, his stern attitude faded in a gust.

''What is all of this, young master? Just how!?'' Hugo felt a hand grip on his shoulders.

Amros surrounded himself with a chilly and threatening aura that completely contrasted his smiling face.

''Mind your tone. You're talking to my master and your master. I think it's just proper to be respectful, hmm?''

Feeling himself shuddering, Hugo nodded his head in fear. How could that guy be so strong? He could feel all his senses tingling, screaming at him for the danger that could threaten his life. Even Hugo's mana started distorting because of the pressure Amros was emitting.

''I-I...I apologize for my discourtesy, young master...and guests.'' Hugo stuttered, he put his fist on his chest and bowed.

Rosh waved his hand as if it was such a trivial thing. Luar didn't move and Amros' pressure disappeared.

''Now, now, that's enough. We're gonna have a small talk, Hugo. Sit down.'' Rosh pointed at the seat infront of him.

''Y-young master..I——''

Of course, Hugo will decline. It is a very rude action. It is against the general etiquette and nobility rule for a person of his status to be able to sit at the same level as the duke's son.

Rosh, on the other hand, doesn't give a fvck about etiquette or the rules.


''...yes.'' Hugo had no choice but to follow as he heard Rosh's hard tone.

They are now face to face with a tense air breezing from the open window.

''Now. Let me answer your questions.''

''Pardon? Young master.''

''You know what I mean. Your suspicions are correct too. I am only pretending, Hugo. I am not innocent, weak and worthless. And if you're thinking, how come I have servants so powerful like Amros and Luar? Luck's on my side. I'm the one who destroyed one of my father's business? Yes. Why would I do that? It doesn't concern you. How come I'm so strong? It also doesn't concern you.''

Hugo felt his brows furrowed as he heard the situation. His young master was the very puzzle himself.

He was pretending from the start, he had servants like the two powerful gentlemen in the room, and even destroyed his own father's business. The story was holed, and pieces are missing.


''But why did I do such things? Because of hatred? Jealousy? That doesn't concern you either.''

Amros snickered at the back.

''This is only the beginning, Hugo. You may not know why I'm doing this or why I'm telling you this, but it doesn't matter.''

Rosh secretly started gathering energy from the Siltheur's emblem, it has been awhile since he used the ring's power that it excites him.

''Why? Because you...shall be gone.''

''What do you?——!!''

A demonic energy appeared on Rosh's palms and he pounced on Hugo. Amros and Luar got the signal and held him down. Hugo tried to struggle away from their grasp but because of their overwhelming strength, he can't.

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