Epilogue: Ten Years Later...

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It's been ten years now since I was adopted by the Dalmatian family.

And those past years were no doubt the happiest, especially when all my worries were washed away thanks to my brothers and sisters. Not only did I grow in age, appearance and personality, but so did my family, and all for the better.

Dolly and Dylan being 27 years old now didn't change them much, though the latter was more prone to getting exhausted thanks to his more mischievous siblings, but even when they had him on the ground breathless, he still loved us all regardless and never rested until he was sure we were healthy and happy for the day. We even got him to teach us a bit about his favourite subject, astronomy if he was in a really good mood. Dolly on the other hand never seemed to lose any of her energy during these past years, being just as lively and always willing to make fun for us. Fortunately for Dylan, she seemed to mature a little and gave his boundaries a little more respect for his sake. Dolly to this day has yet to even quit skateboarding, no doubt preferring it as her method of travel.

Speaking of skateboarding, Dizzy and Dee Dee, now both 18 were in the process of continuing Dolly's legacy of being the most rambunctious of the family should the time come when she has to retire. Instead of skateboarding however, they took up roller-skating which they started three years ago. Throughout those three years, those two no doubt ended up with more band-aids and bruises with every test run, but such injuries never deterred them from pushing forward, even after having a small crying moment should they have received a really bad injury.

Da Vinci managed to step out of her shy circle with a bit of help from me after turning 15 and the next thing you know, she was showing her life's work to the public, all of which was met with approval. Now that she was 21, she was now a tutor in University of the Arts in London after she was acknowledged by art critic, Adrian Searle whom wrote a tabloid of her efforts in the papers. Because of this alone, she was always a lot more happier than usual and that in turn earned a smile from me.

The Triple D's acting career skyrocketed when they turned 18, having gained more freedom to advertise more products aimed for older audiences and that meant more wage to the family. Though with the three now being adults at the current age of 22, they had no reason to turn down any session that involved them advertising lingerie among other... "sensous" products. But money is money after all and acting was their number one talent so none of us judged them. Their director often sometimes had the three take me with them to help with the commercial, but only the tasteful agamic ones thankfully.

As for the Dimitri trio, they got a bit of the short end of the stick after pulling a prank on an elderly man that nearly resulted in severe injury. The family pressed charges and with the three being 23 years old, they weren't exempt from having to do community service as punishment. At the very least, they seemed to learn their lesson from that and swore to tone down their pranks to be less harmful, especially to humans. As adults, they like everyone else had more freedom, sometimes spending their nights, hitting the bottle, luckily not to the extent of my former father. And even though I was capable of taking care of myself, they always insisted on tagging along with me whenever I go on an outing during the night-time as if they were my personal bodyguards. I guess they still felt guilty of how they treated me after finding me nearly murdered by my own birth father even though I didn't hold that against them since they did save my life after all.

Ah yes, I almost forgot something about Dylan. Before I turned 11, Dylan and Portia ended up meeting in person and were able to make peace with each other. For their sake, I didn't ask them what they had against one another. Sometimes if I decided to hang out with Dante whom thankfully managed to tone down his outbursts of paranoia a little, I'd often come across the poodle herself. Because of our different attitudes, we were at best acquaintances but at least she seemed to like my company when I was around, especially when Dylan tagged along, him and Portia seemingly starting to become somewhat friends.

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