Chapter 2: Meet the Family

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I had only seen the first floor so far, but the house was pretty quite big. Dog toys were strewn around the floors of some of the rooms, I think I also noticed some comic books with pictures of what I could assume was a German Shepherd. That was when I felt the warmth of the sunlight on my skin which made me realise I was now outside. I blinked before looking back to what was in front of me and my eyes instantly widened.

In front of me was like a whole army of Dalmatian puppies, there had to be at least more than thirty or maybe seventy and like the pictures in the living room, they all varied in appearance.

"Hey everyone! We want you to meet Cody!" Dizzy called out to the crowd of white and black spots whom all stopped what they were doing and turned to towards me and gasped in astonishment. What happened next was a blur as I was suddenly bombarded by the puppies who quickly fawned over me as I managed to hear some of them clearly.

"It's a little human boy!"

"He's so cute!"

"Where's he from?"

I was blushing like crazy from all the compliments they were giving me, you swear you could see the pink on my face when Dylan quickly intervened.

"Okay okay, please give him some space!" Dylan urged, managing to get some of his siblings to back up a little as I finally found my voice.

"S-So are all these your brothers and sister?" I asked, Dee Dee being the quickest to answer.

"Yep! All ninety-nine of us!"

Ninety-nine?! I mean I've heard about dogs having a few kids, maybe around four or seven, but ninety-nine? No wonder there was so much furniture and stuff in their house.

"Okay, Dylan. I'll bite. What's going on?" That older female voice again from before. I instinctively turned to see a Dalmatian girl approaching us with a confused look on her face. She appeared to be the same height as Dylan and was probably around the same age as him. Her ears hanged from the sides of her head and reached below her shoulders. Her clothes consisted of a blue t-shirt with darker blue sleeves and grey shorts, I seemed to also notice that her forearms and forelegs were coloured black like she was wearing fingerless and toe-less socks.

"Dolly, this is Cody Wester. Dizzy and Dee Dee found him unconscious by a bridge not far from here and took him in." Dylan introduced me to the girl, whom I now knew as Dolly. She blinked before looking down at me, her look turning into a friendly smirk.

"Hey there, little dude. How are ya holding up?" She gently ruffled my hair, making me blush and smile again.

"I'm alright, thanks, miss Dolly." Dolly stifled a little at this.

"Hey, no need for formalities, kid. Just Dolly is cool with me." Dolly winked at me with that response which made me smile even more.

"But uhhh... Why was he out cold by the bridge?" Dolly's confused look returned as she then faced Dizzy and Dee Dee who just shrugged.

"I think we'll only find out when he's recovered and we take him home." Dylan guessed, Dolly shrugged with her shoulders before taking my hand. Have to admit, her hand was pretty soft given it was covered in fur.

"Come on, you! If you're staying then you need someone to give you the grand tour!" I couldn't argue as I was lead back inside, though I could hear many of the puppies including Dizzy and Dee Dee groan in disappointment as Dolly faced them.

"Don't worry, you'll get to play with him before you know it." She reassured, I could just notice their faces lit back up before coming back inside.

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