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***Everyone has very different opinions about this story, some say its very cliche, some doesnt. But I honestly dont think that it is! the idea of being the 'it' mean girl yes, but follow Maddy's story and you'll see what happens :) Oh, and theres a lot who think the prologue is too much... idk :/ should I change it?!***


A month before...

I walk in the school halls with my two best friends, Tracey and Isabelle, by my side. We all smirk a little and shake our hips more than necessary, earning whistles from a couple a guys. I look around and see the girls staring in awe, some with jealous and even intimidated looks. I take some time to glare at most of them, enjoying how much power I have over them. The nerds cringe away and the others get closer to us, wanting to be part of our clique.

The boys look at us with lust, their eyes trailing up and down our bodies -well, mostly mine. I'm the 'it' girl of this school. The popular and rich girl. Some people call me the bitch but I'm okay about it, because it’s true. I smirk and take one of my blonde curls and twist it a little around my fingers.

We keep walking down the hall while loving the sound of our heels hitting the ground. I’m wearing my favorite pair today, 4 inch high zebra striped pumps. I have a light pink skirt and a white tank top on as well.

Some people call me a slut, most of them probably think that all the time, but I'm not. Of course I'm not a virgin, but I don’t go screwin' boys every night and party at a clubs 24/7. I have a boyfriend and I would never cheat on him!

"Maddy!" Someone calls from behind me. 

I turn around to the sound of my nickname. It’s short for Madison, and my last name is Grey. You'll see Grey pretty much everywhere since its part of the name of my dad’s big company. It’s a multi-million business and he's always away on trips so I don’t see him often. My mom stays at home, she’s a down-to-earth woman.

I turn around and smile when I see Trevor walking towards me. I lean up and give him a quick peck on his lips. "Hey" I say. He puts his arm around me and we walk together.

"You want to come to my house?" he asks me.

"No, sorry, I can't. I have cheerleading practice." I answer him, grimacing. It’s not that I don’t want to go to practice, I just wish I could go to my boyfriends’ house though.

He nods his head, but seems ticked off about something. We're about to leave the school when my math teacher yells at me to come with her. I tell Trevor to go home and that I'll call him tonight then I follow her. 

"Miss Grey, I just corrected the last test you did and you got an A plus!" she said, proudly. 

I stand there shocked. For some people it's probably not that big of a deal but for me it’s amazing! 

I never really tried to have good grades, it would ruin my popularity and it’s just easier to barely study and barely pass. So an A plus is really good for me! My mother and father always wanted me to have better grades so I decided to study and try to have a good grade for them. They're going to be excited when they see this!

My parents always took great care of me, but it was mostly my mom. We had a great relationship when I was young, but then I just, well, changed. Now I’m much more outgoing, popular, and I use the money we have. I go shopping and waste tons of it. I love the money.

I get out the classroom and I leave the school in an even better mood than before. I get to the changing rooms and put on my cheerleading uniform, and then I go in the field, ready to practice. We practice for about 2 hours and then we’re all too tired to even run and jump. I quickly get dressed; I’ll take a shower when I get home. I run out and get to my car.


I turn down my driveway with my shiny pink Mercedes. I quickly park in my spot, get out, and run inside.

"I'm hooooome!" I yell while running through the door of my house -well mansion really.

"Well hello Madison, did you have a good day?" our maid Annie greets me.

I smile. "Yeah actually! Do you know where my mother and father are? I have something to tell them!"

"Umm, could you come in the living room for a minute?" she says, avoiding the question.

"Yeah... sure?" I follow her in our living room but stop when I see my grand parents, my older brother, David, and his fiancée Lisa, all crying. A policeman is there as well.

"What is going on?" I manage to say. Seeing that no one says anything, Lisa speaks up. I look at her frowning, I never liked her. "Maddy, come and sit down. We have something to tell you." I look around confused.

"No chizz! I come home from a perfect day to see my family -minus my parents- crying in my living room! Wait... Where are my parents?" I ask her carefully.

"Take a seat Madison, it’s going to be a lot to take in..." she says to me softly, but I can almost see the amusement in her eyes. I glare at her, can’t she just tell me?! I turn at my brother but he doesn’t even look at me.

"Lisa, just tell me what the heck is going on." I say angrily. I can feel the tears building in my eyes, knowing something was very wrong. I can see her taken by surprise, but she quickly recovers and her face shows anger. I can feel all the hate towards her bubbling up, I never wanted her to go out with my brother, and even less to be engaged to him.

“Madison, please calm down!” David warns me, knowing my temper can get real bad sometimes.

“Madison I know you don’t really like me but for once can you please listen to what I say.” She says and as I don’t react in any way, she continues. "You want to know what’s going on?" -I nod- "You want me to tell you, what made all these people cry?" Lisa demands. See?! Look at who needs to calm down now!

"Tell me." I say quietly but demandingly.

"You want me to tell you. Just like that... straight out." she says louder, getting angrier. 

I wanted to slap her right there.

"Just, tell, me!!"

"Your parents are both dead." she says through her teeth and I can see the pain in her eyes, for me or just herself, I don’t know. "Is that really how you wanted to hear it, Madison? Their car broke down or something and they were walking on the side of the road…" But I didn’t really hear her as she says that last sentence. I can’t help but think at the first words she said. My parents are... dead?! And how the hell is that a way to say that?! I look at her with a hurt expression probably evident on my face.

I look over to my grand-parents and David, waiting for them to tell me she’s wrong. I beg them with my eyes but they just shake their heads sadly and look away. David gets up and walks over to me, pulling me in a hug and kissing my head.

“No” I whisper to myself. “No, Lisa, that can’t be it! They’re so young, I’m so young! I have so much more stuff to show them, to learn from them, to, t-to…” I trail off for a moment and get out of my brother’s grasp on me. “They can’t be dead, n-no they c-can’t b-be.” I yell in a panic.  

Before anyone can respond, I turn around, grab my purse and run away from my house, tears falling freely now. I run to my car and I drive away quickly, not even sure where I’m heading to. I just want to get out of here.


YAY new story!!! :D yeah I had this on my mind for a while now :) I won’t tell you more about her past though… :P  next chapter is back to the present. (prologue was a month before)

Please tell me what you think!!!! Like it? Hate it? Could be wayyy better?! TELL ME!!!! XD

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