One of Those Days

Start from the beginning

"Oh." Steve blinks in surprise. "I thought we were called out on a special mission or something regarding S.H.I.E.L.D."

"This is a special mission." Nat comments as she zips in and out between traffic. Ignoring the occasional honks made in her direction as she pulls into the parking lot.

The two superheroes waste no time in storming into the Rite Aid before them, the super-soldier trailing behind the redhead as she slips between people with ease and stealth towards the frozen sections. He watches as Nat grabs a hold of two pints of Chunky Monkey, and two of Cherry Garcia before placing them into the basket the blond swooped up on their way over.

The widow turns and grabs two more of each again causing Steve to raise a brow in return.

"I want some too."

Nat just shrugs before sashaying away towards the next aisle where she starts packing in a few large, Hershey chocolate-almond bars before she grabs a few boxes of hot chocolate mix, and some boxes of tea.

The two make their way towards the cashier after Natasha seemed satisfied with what she got, quickly paying before they were once again back on the road and speeding towards the tower. They hop out of the car and into the elevator that takes them all the way up towards the blonde's floor. As they come to a stop, Steve looks back in confusion at Nat as she nudges him out and motions to the closest room with her head.

The Avenger heading over to the kitchen and popping something into the microwave

"That's all for Delgado. She's not feeling the best because she got her period." She bluntly explains as she leans against the island.

"Oh...uh, alright, got it." Steve fumbles over his words as the tip of his ears and the back of his neck turn a slight hue of pink.

He shifts the weight of the bag on his hand as he clears his throat, using the other hand to push his hair out of his face as he ignores Natasha's amused expression.

"I'll just..." He motions to the door to his left. "Thanks for the stuff, I'm sure Andrea will appreciate it." He nods before turning and walking towards the room to get away before the Russian spy starts to tease him.

I push myself up at the sound of footsteps softly making its way in, the familiar figure of my best pal walking in.

"Hey Stevie..." I half-smile.

"Hey there sweet doll." He smiles back, making his way over and leaving a peck on my forehead.

I let out a soft hum as I let him pull me into his arms, snuggling deep into them as I took in his heavenly scent as I missed it (and him) as I laid around in pain and fatigue in the comfort of my bed for half the day. 

I reached over, grabbing hold of the T.V remote that laid beside me and paused the movie I had been watching.

"How are you feeling?" His voice is gentle and soothing as he brushes back a piece of hair from my face.

"Been better." I shrug with a small smile as I lean into his touch.

"Yeah. Nat informed me on what's going on so we went out and got you some things to make you feel better." He smiles, though I spot a hint of red spreading across his face.

My smile widens at his explanation and at the sight of the bag pulled in front of me. Though I don't get to peek in yet as the door opens once more to show Nat walking in with something in her hands.

"Here you go, маленькая звезда."

I take hold of the warm, soothing, baby blue, rectangular mini pillow and gladly rest it against my lower stomach to soothe the sharp pains making my day miserable. I fix the pouch full of flaxseeds before directing my attention back on the other two.

"Thanks red, I really appreciate it." I pull the older girl into a side hug before she pulls away.

"Anything for you, Delgado." She winks before patting Steve on the shoulder before walking out, snatching one of the bags as she walks out.

"Come on." I pat the spot beside me, situating my nest of blankets around me along with the pillows I have on my Queen sized bed.

Steve doesn't hesitate in sliding off his shoes and crawling into my small fort. He catches me a bit off guard as he shifts me forward before he plops himself behind me, shuffling a bit till he gets comfortable before he snuggles into me. Pulling my smaller frame back to rest against him which allowed me to use him as a more comfortable back pillow. I relax against his toned torso, pulling one of the blankets over us before I continue with the movie.

I pull the bag that is sitting besides my leg closer and start digging through it and start feeling more happy by the second as I recognize all my favorite snacks and comfort foods in there.

"Happy there, sweets?"

"I could cry... and it's not just from the extra hormones."

I weakly laugh as Steve chuckles at my comment. I turn and leave a peck on his cheek as a show of gratitude before I dig into one of the chocolate bars as Waterboy plays through the room from the built-in flat screen hanging from my wall.

I truly did feel special and so grateful I am here with the team who have taken me in under their wing. This time of the month has got to be one of the most bearable thanks to Nat and Steve.

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