The brown hair guy stopped the vehicle  infront of anonymous house making taehyung more curious.

"Where are we?" He asked but instead of answering jungkook just got up from his bike and climbed the wall.

Taehyung by the time got his intention so he immediately refused "remember you said life is a choice, either this side or that side." Jungkook smirked at the expression feeling proud.

"Fuck you" taehyung said before climbing the wall and they jumped on the other side of the wall, which lead to a bunglow.

"I swear kook you are adding more reasons to our death" jungkook chuckled as they both entered the lonely house.

No one was present so it was good for them. They both eventually landed in a closet making taehyung awe "they are so pretty"

"Indeed.  Now choose a suit and wear it. I will be in the living room" jungkook pecked his lips before going.

He entered the living rooms and started to find things to decorate the room. He found fairy lights and scented candles. He immediately set the candles in a beautiful way and the lights were cherry on the top.

By the time he too wore a suit and started to play dim retro songs  on the radio. "I am ready" jungkook looked at taehyung who came wearing a baby pink suit looking shy.

The brunnete looked down and started to laugh coz jungkook was wearing a suit on shorts. " you look beautiful" jungkook said and spread his arms to show what he had done in the living room.

Taehyung looked around and that's it. "It looks nice but it wo-" taehyung jumped towards him and kissed him with full force but with love.

"I love you" they both had tears in their eyes as they were feeling giddy "i love you too" with that they connected their lips again and they had seggs.

Both were panting heavily as their naked body was covered in duvet. "It feels so good kookie...i wish this moment to stop and never end" jungkook hummed looking at the brunette who was glowing after sex.

After 2  months:

It was december and taehyung was sitting in bathroom with his foot tapping the floor and hands gripping on pregnancy test.

After 3 mins the stick showed 2 lines making him gasp,covering his mouth. He was happy  like very happy but the nervousness was growing too. 'But what about kookie?'

He didn't know what he would react about the whole baby thing so taehyung  decided he will go face him today only.

Jungkook was doing a job as dj to buy a home in future so taehyung went to that party and sat on the bench waiting for him.

He saw a teenage girl came near him,talking  or more like quarreling with her dad on phone. "Dad i know you are worried but i will be fine. I am 18 now. I know how to make my own decision" she said while recording a vdo to send her dad and taehyung kept  looking at her with a small smile.

He looked beside him when he saw jungkook sitting there with a big smile "why are you here love? You should's pretty late" he asked making taehyung more nervous

"I wanna tell you something" he was fidgeting with his fingers as sweat was covering his forhead "what it is babe?"

"I-i am preg-pregnent" he finally looked up and saw Jungkook was crying making him shock "you d-didnt like the news?" He asked as his heart sunk down to his dick.

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