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i favor a rose
i rejuvenate in the rain
and speak fluently

but i am not
as i appear

the outlook
of a sunflower
the soul
of a wallflower

i am many

but stand
as my own specie
you cannot define me
will i let you

i learned from you

no one will ever
know my heart

a wildflower
with the spirit of one
have a rosed heart

but hide it


yet curious
of the wallflower
who grows her heart
through her leaves

so easily
how we observe things
differently than the rest

from you

is this why
you picked me?

if i had been born a rose
at least i'd have thorns
to prick the madness
out of people
just like you

to admire me
in all that i am
is to love me
for what i am

not what i appear to you.

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