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Jimin's POV----

I never really liked talking to my own parents. Or maybe I hadn't really talked to them or made a conversation because all they ever talked to me about was the business.

But here I was talking to Amin's parents like there was no tomorrow. We talked a lot during the dinner we had.

Dad took us to the most famous place in the city to eat and I could see why it was so famous. The food was so good, the service was so good and the environment was comfortable yet grand and had a rich feel to it.

We talked about so many different things, jumping from one topic to the other. I got to find out about Amin's childhood while she sat embarrassed in front of the three of us as we laughed lightly.

The dinner was good, and after that we had dessert as well; we were stuffed. After paying, we exited the place and sat in the car.

We went to so many different places that looked beautiful only during the night time.

I enjoyed the time with my girlfriend and our parents a lot. Everything felt perfect and for the first time since forever, I felt complete and genuinely happy.

I wanted this happiness to last forever, but alas, nothing remains for forever.

After spending hours outside, talking, enjoying, laughing, we came back home. I had never really had the chance to experience something like this with the people who gave birth to me.

These feelings and experiences were new to me, despite having lots of things experienced.

It was way past midnight when we finally said our goodnights and went to our rooms.

I went straight to the bathroom to change, while Amin took off her shoes and let her feet relax on the plain floor.

I changed and realized that I hadn't given back dad's necktie. Deciding, I'd return it to him the next day, I did my night routine and got out of the bathroom.

Amin went inside and came back out after a while, her dress now changed, her makeup removed; she was ready to sleep after a tiring but fun night out.

She smiled when she looked at me, and then turned to the closet to keep away the things, while I waited for her to come and sleep.

Seeing that she looked sleepy, I was beside her in a second and helped her put our things into the closet.

She smiled when I helped her and I back hugged her after we were done. I buried my face in her neck and smiled.

She turned around to me and looked at me, smiling. But the smile on her face quickly disappeared and was replaced by panic in her eyes.

3rd person narrative----

"Jimin," Amin said slowly, "Your eyes....why are the red?"

Jimin immediately let go of her and looked at his eyes in the mirror.

"Shit. Shit. No, not now," he cursed under his breath.

Amin came closer to him inside the bathroom and looked him, worried.

"Jimin, are you okay?" she asked and leaned forward to touch him, but in an instant, he was against the farthest wall of the bathroom, breathing heavily.

"Jimin, what is it?" she asked in a firm tone this time. He was still breathing heavily.

When Jimin raised his face to lock eyes with her, Amin saw his eyes now pure red. She was concerned, scared, worried but looking into his red eyes made her forget all of those emotions for a moment.

Jimin looked different. He looked good; good but scary. He wasn't the cute Jimin anymore. No, he was scary and intimidating. But a part of Amin liked it. A part that had never seen this side of vampire Jimin wanted to stare into those beautiful, yet scary red eyes forever.

But she knew she couldn't. She knew Jimin wasn't okay, and of course it had something to do with his vampire abilities.

Slowly, but surely, Amin moved towards Jimin, not breaking the eye contact. He just kept looking at her, breathing heavily.

Finally, she was close to him. "Jimin, tell me," she whispered.

"I haven't had blood in so long and it's- I'm- I want blood," he said.

"Oh," was all Amin could reply.

"I was so lost in the happiness and the newly found feelings that I forgot to hunt; I'm a vampire after all and I can't stay alive without blood," he said in a low voice.

Amin just kept looking at the man whose breathing was getting heavier by the second; his red eye color deepening.

Not knowing what she was doing, she closed the gap between them and leaned closer to Jimin's ear. "Have mine," she said.

"What?" Jimin asked, looking at her, but her face was the most serious he had seen since they had met.

"No, I can't do that," he said, shaking his head. "No, that would be wrong," he said looking down.

Amin held his chin and moved his face upwards.

"Jimin, you need this. What if- what if something happens to you and- I won't be able to forgive myself," she said, pleading him with her eyes.

"No, get away. No, no, I can't do that," he replied.

She gripped his shoulders tightly and made him look at her.

"Please, I'll be fine. Jimin, don't do this to us," she said, voice quivering.

Jimin kept looking into her eyes and finally nodded.

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