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Amin's POV----

Iopened my eyes slowly. I sat up and took in my surroundings. As my eyes adjusted to the light I saw that I was on a bed, in a room as huge and as grand as mine, but it certainly wasn't my room.

My head hurt. Then the events from last night came back to me. I brought my knees to my chest and hugged myself.

Who was that man and what did he want from me? Who was the other man who saved me? Where was I? Was I even safe here? What did these people want with me?

A million thoughts ran in my head. I got down from the bed, immediately feeling dizzy, as a wave of nausea washed over me. I took a moment to regain my strength and then I went towards the door.

As I was about to turn the handle, the door opened and a women appeared, almost bumping into me. She was tall and petite and she had striking features; long light brown hair, hazel eyes, a perfect chiseled nose and plump lips. Her pale skin was literally glowing.

As soon as she saw me, her eyes widened and she said, "You're awake! But you shouldn't be up from the bed. You hurt your head badly, last night, and your right shoulder too. You need proper rest." She then shoved me a little towards the bed and came to sit beside me.

She smiled at me kindly and said, "I'm Mina. Last night, my brother brought you home," She informed me. I nodded in understanding. "He called me here after he brought you. He was so worried. It's a good thing I'm off work this week or I wouldn't have managed it," she said.

"Thanks for saving me last night; you and your brother both," I said. She smiled and nodded. "When can I go home?" I asked her.

"You will have to stay here until you get better, so that I'll be able to keep an eye on your wounds and treat them easily," she told me. I didn't say anything.

"Oh, you don't have anything to worry about. I promise you will be in the best hands. In fact, you may quite enjoy your stay here. I promise my brother and I aren't bad people, we're trying to help you," Mina said. I felt my body ease up slowly as she talked to me kindly. There was silence after that.

"You didn't tell me your name," Mina said suddenly. "My name is Amin L/N (last name)," I replied. She nodded.
She then seemed to realize something and stood up, saying, "I must go home now. Jimin will take care of you. I'll come again at night to check up on you."

"You don't live here?" I asked. "No, no, Jimin lives here alone. I live at my home with my husband and daughter."

I nodded and she smiled at me."Well, see you later, Amin. It was nice meeting you." She gave me a little pat on the head and left.

Jimin's POV----

I heard a knock on my room door. Knowing who it was, I opened the door. "Morning, Mina," I said. She smiled. "Morning, Jiminie."

"I'm going now. Go to her room and take care of her. Tell her to rest and make sure she eats properly. I'll be back tonight." And with that she left.
I sighed going into the girl's room, which was next to mine. I knocked and heard a faint "Come in." I went inside.
She was sitting on the bed, with her knees to her chest. Her head was wrapped in a bandage as she looked outside.

"Hi," I said. She looked at me and said, "Hi." Her voice was so soft.
"I'm assuming you are Jimin," she said. I nodded. "I'm Amin." I gave her a little nod. "Let's go have breakfast. Mina said you need proper rest and meals to get better. If I don't do as she says, she's going to kill me," I told her. She nodded.

The both of us went downstairs. The maids had prepared our breakfast. We ate in an awkward silence. After we were done eating the maids cleared the dishes.

Yours • Park Jimin ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt