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3rd person POV----

Ill Sung-ie

Hey, Amin noona

Long time no see


Amin Noona

Hey Ill Sung-ie

I'm ok, wbu?

Ill Sung-ie

I'm ok too

R u free today, noona?

I was hoping the two of us could hang out, since Jimin hyung is too busy to even text his friend * pouts *

Amin Noona

Yea ofc, I'm free

How can I not be? Jimin goes away for work while I stay at his home, doing nothing.

Ill Sung-ie

Ok, well then, I'm comin to pick u up in an hour. Be ready noona!!!

Amin Noona


See ya

Amin's POV----

After Ill Sung texted me, I took a shower, changed and did a natural makeup.

Ill Sung came after a while.

"Mi-Cha, I'm going out with Ill-Sung," I called for her from the door.

She came and nodded.

I left the mansion as I saw Ill Sung getting out of his car.

"Noona! I missed you," he said while giving me a death hug. I was completely hidden inside his tall, well built frame. Shorty Jimin sure had lots of tall friends. "Ill Sung, I missed you too," I said, hugging him back.

"You smell nice as usual, noona." And that was my cue to be embarrassed. We pulled away from the hug.

He smiled at me, as his hazel eyes turned into little crescents. I ruffled his dark brown hair.

"Shall we go, noona?" I nodded. Ill Sung opened the passenger seat door for me and then got into his side after I was done sitting.

Ill Sung's POV----

I was getting bored at home so I asked Amin noona if she was free. She said she was. Finally! Someone I could enjoy a little time with. And she smelled really nice too.

After changing, I went to pick noona from Jimin hyung's home. I couldn't wait to see her.

When I went to hyung's home, noona came out. She was looking beautiful and cute. I ran to her as soon as I saw her coming towards me.

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