"And you can focus better when I'm around?" I asked him, scoffing. He nodded eagerly, smiling wide. I scoffed for the billionth time that day. "Whatever, Jimin," I said, "Now let me go, and work." But his grip on me tightened and he hugged me.

"What-" I started again to be cut mid sentence once again. "Just stay quiet, please, I'm figuring it out. We can go eat out in a while and then I'll drop you," he said in a small voice, his face in my neck.

We stayed like that for a long time. My heart was beating very fast and I was sure Jimin heard it loud and clear. He on the other hand, was breathing softly on my neck, making shivers run down my spine.

What was he even doing to me? I let him do to me anything he wanted. He dragged me towards his office and made me stay here all day long, yet, I stayed....well, I lost it today but I had stayed for two weeks. And I'd always say yes to him no matter what. It's like a 'no' didn't exist in my vocabulary when it came to Park Jimin.

Finally taking his face out of my neck, he exhaled a little and smiled widely. I just kept looking at him. "You look beautiful, Amin," he said, and then kissed my forehead. "And you smell nice too," he told me; a compliment I had gotten used to listening almost every day now. How the hell could someone's blood smell good?

"Now go wait there, we'll go out in a while, alright," he told me and I obeyed.

A millennia later, Jimin was done. He took me out to eats. After that he drove me home, his home that is, because he won't let me go to my home. I wanted to refuse but I couldn't; not after he'd make cute faces or be intimidating. So this way, I either stayed with him out of pity or fear.

After Jimin dropped me home, I went to my room straight away and slept.

Jimin's POV----

Finishing work, I drove home. I thought about Amin and how she had ranted to me a few hours ago. I smiled as I thought about her little outburst and I smirked at the thought of having Amin sit in my lap for longer than a few minutes. The feeling was extraordinary and so was the smell of her sweet, sweet blood.

I arrived home and went inside, smiling to myself. As I entered inside, the first thing I noticed was that the mansion was awfully quiet. Usually, Amin would be cooking, or talking to one of the maids or doing one thing or the other. I smiled again as I thought about my home being livelier with Amin around.

But my smile quickly dropped as I went inside the kitchen to find Mi-Cha working alone there; Amin was nowhere around. My heart raced a little as I thought about the current situation. "Mi-Cha, have you seen Amin?" I asked her, panic evident in my voice. She smiled and nodded.

"She slept after you dropped her home, saying she had nothing else to do," Mi-Cha told me, "so I didn't wake her thinking she must be tired. I went to check up on her a while ago, she was fast asleep."

I thanked Mi-Cha and climbed up the long staircase, leading to the rooms. I quietly opened the door to Amin's room and entered inside.

As my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room illuminated only by the lamps on either side of the bed, I saw Amin sleeping in the middle of the bed. I went closer to the bed in order to observe her better. Her usually dancing features looked calm, her parted lips looking cute, her long eye lashes resting over her eyes and her hair sprawled on the pillow.

A smile danced on my lips at the sight in front of me. I brought out my phone from my pocket and clicked photos of her from different angles. I kept looking at her for the next few minutes and then very slowly, I crouched down and moved closer to her face.

I closed my eyes and kissed her forehead. I let my lips linger on her pretty forehead for a few moments, before pulling back and gently shaking her shoulder.

"Amin, wake up, pretty, it's time to eat. You can sleep after that," I whispered close to her ear. She stirred but didn't wake up. "Wake up now, Amin," I said in a higher voice, my lips still near her ear.

"Jimin?" she mumbled after a moment and got up to sit cross legged on her bed, as I moved back. "Good, you're awake. Now we can go eat and then you can come and sleep alright," I told her.

She nodded a little, her eyes still partially closed. "Good girl," I said, "I'll go change now and then we'll go down together." She nodded her head and I smiled.

 After changing into something comfortable, I went to Amin's room, to find her coming out of the bathroom. She smiled once she saw me.

"You cleaned well, Amin," I said, seeing how her hair was now properly done, her face looked well rested and her whole being looked fresh and new after waking up from her slumber. "Let's go then!" she said and exited the room, me following suit.

After dinner, I insisted on seeing a movie so we sat down to watch it. But mid film, Amin fell asleep in my lap. I waited for a while for her slumber to deepen. After a few minutes, I felt Amin shuffle and the next thing I knew, she was hugging my waist and nuzzling her head in my shirt.

I smiled as I saw the cute scene unfolding before me. I grabbed my phone and clicked a picture; she took mine all the time in my office, I had a right to take as many photos of her as I wanted to.

After a few more minutes of Amin snuggling her head more and more into my body and me kissing her cute forehead again and again, I turned off the TV and picked her up bridal-style and climbed up the stairs.

Going inside Amin's room, I gently laid her down on the bed and was about to get my hand out from under her when she hugged my arm and opened her eyes partially.

"Jimin," she whispered looking at me, "don't go please." Her sleepy eyes pleaded me. Why was she suddenly asking me to sleep with her? That was odd.

"Amin-ah, sleep okay," I told her, but she refused. Then moving to the side, she patted the spot near her and told me to sleep there. "Alright, Amin, but please don't kick me out of your bed in the morning," I told her.

She nodded and then as soon as I was inside the sheets with her, she snuggled closer to me and nuzzled her nose in my chest for a moment before she mumbled a 'goodnight, Jimin' and fell asleep.

I gulped a little as the smell of her blood filled my nostrils again. I had learned to contain myself from drinking her blood; hunting and only drinking animal blood.

Convincing myself to fall asleep despite not feeling sleepy or tired at all, I fell asleep with my arms around the pretty girl.


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