Kiyomi Uchiha Information!

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Kiyomi Uchiha


Human, Key, Borrowed Power User, Member of the Six, Shinobi, Northern ITF Taekwondo Practitioner 


The Queen, Kiyomi of the Deadly Sharingan, The Second Key, Dragon Lord, Angel

Threat Level:

Wolf+ || Tiger+ || Dragon || Nova- 


14 || 16-18 (Post time-skip)




Kiyomi Uchiha is a very talented Kunoichi being hailed as a genius by her father Fugaku Uchiha. She is known to be naturally smart like Itachi and is well-educated as a shinobi since she was a child. Despite her limitless potential that was waiting to be uncovered the rest of the Uchiha clan had displayed great hatred towards the girl as the Uchiha clan tradition dictates that the clan head should sire strong male heirs so in the eyes of the clan she was an abomination.

Her father had to make a hard decision to protect her by exiling her from the Uchiha clan and sending her away to Kirigakure where she would live with some of his acquaintance that he and Mikoto had made over the years as a Shinobi.  

Even after she learned about the Uchiha clan massacre at the hand of her kind older brother Itachi and her foster family death at the hand of yagura regime, she was still known to have a brighter personality than her twin brother and is quite a cheerful individual. 

She even had a pleasant personality that Kakashi himself compared her to Obito Uchiha. She is also known as a very confident individual, according to her peers, which is why she is very determined with her own goals to save her two brothers from there suicidal goals although she understands that if push comes to shove she will be the one to put a stop to her siblings permanently. 

Kiyomi has also shown to have a childish side, shown by how she had taken to making out with Naruto in front of the council members after getting bored of 'Old men and women squabble'. She also has a sweet tooth. 

Kiyomi had displayed great admiration towards Naruto having been rescued from potentially being raped by multiple Kiri Shinobi. That admiration had quickly turned into a love at first sight as despite her confidence that she was known for she had struggled for months to come out with her feelings and had resorted to admiring him from a far.

After confessing her feelings in the most oddest way, her relationship with Naruto became official and she had developed a territorial and competitive side that refused to lose to anyone which she had taken to sleep with Naruto practically nude and even encouraged him to look and touch her which is why she had always clashed head with Hinata Hyuga who had not so secretly had a crush on Naruto from there younger days. 

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