Stealing First Kiss (Chapter 4)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or God of Highschool in the matter.

Speech Rules:

"Talking": Human speech

"Talking": Human Thought

[Talking]: Name of Attack/Jutsu


Chapter 4: Stealing First Kiss

Kiyomi Uchiha had realized that Naruto Yoo was a sadist, when she accepted training she was expecting something normal but he was a slave driver requesting ridiculous training regiment that she doubted if any normal person could survive it.

But she begrudgingly followed the training regiment merely because Naruto himself had gone through the training regiment and she had to admit the training had been useful and learned that everything Naruto did was for a reason no matter how much it sounded useless or ridiculous.

The physical portion of their training was merely to work on her endurance and durability as he had her work until she can no longer move her body no matter how much it hurt the next day she was able to outlast her previous record.

When it came to Taijutsu, Naruto proved to be the strongest out of the two of them as he beat her up to the ground. Kiyomi couldn't say that she hated it, if anything she was grateful that Naruto didn't give her the kid gloves and showed her the openings in her Taijutsu style and the bruises served as a reminder of her weakness which made her push herself to improve.

Ninjutsu was a little harder since Naruto wasn't a ninjutsu specialist but he did remember multiple hand signs for Fire Jutsu, Water Jutsu, Earth Jutsu and Lighting Jutsu. The only problem is that she needed to understand how it's mechanism work in order to use it because chakra are needed to be kneaded in some way in order to use the Jutsu like in the case of the Fire Ball Jutsu she have to knead her chakra to her lungs and expel the Fire from her mouth.

Although it was obvious to Naruto that Fire Jutsu was something she excelled at the most, that's why he taught her every Fire Jutsu he could remember at this point he knew that she would reach a level that surpasses even the normal Fire Jutsu.

When it comes to Bukijutsu, Kiyomi excelled in the Shurikenjutsu which was obvious considering that she has the Uchiha blood running through her veins. She also had taken interest in using an umbrella as a weapon and Naruto encouraged it as it was the perfect weapon for her as on the outside it looked like a normal umbrella but in reality it was a deadly weapon when she used it.

When it came to Genjutsu she obviously excelled in it even compared to both her elder siblings which speak volumes of her abilities and Naruto made sure to remind her everyday that she had potential which did wonders for her self-esteem.

Naruto knew that she had a lot of untapped potential to surpass her two siblings especially in the Genjutsu and the Fire Jutsu aspect but with his physical conditioning that he gave her she was going to be dangerous in battle with or without the Sharingan as he had her train her eyes to the point that her eyes was a two tomoe Sharingan in itself without the slow motion aspect.

All she needed was experience and Naruto had taken her multiple times to ambush some of Yagura forces and she had proven herself to be a capable Kunoichi and Naruto knew it was a matter of time before they both were placed in the Bingo Book.


It has been 1 Year and 9 months since Naruto had left in the 3 years training trip and 9 months since he left Jiraiya protection and Konoha as a whole to continue his training. Tsunade has been agitated ever since then as she had been sending search parties to locate Naruto the only thing they found was that Naruto might have been sighted around Kirigakure.

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