Kiyomi Uchiha (Chapter 3)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or God of Highschool in the matter.

Speech Rules:

"Talking": Human speech

"Talking": Human Thought

[Talking]: Name of Attack/Jutsu


Chapter 3: Kiyomi Uchiha


The entire Hokage mansion shook by Tsunade Super strength as her fist collided with Jiraiya's chest, sending him crashing onto the multiple walls as he laid between the rubble of the destroyed walls.

Tsunade was furious beyond anything as she glared at her former teammate "How could you Jiraiya, I asked you to train Naruto properly but instead you tell me that you have been spending the monthly stipend that I have instructed to be used in his growth in whore houses and then you hid from me for an entire year about the changes that happened to him, good job he ran away Jiraiya!" Shouted Tsunade.

"Lady Tsunade please calm down, this was an unexpected situation for both of us and for Jiraiya-sama himself, I doubted he wanted to worry you" Said Shizune as she successfully calmed down Tsunade who took a seat on her chair obviously ignoring her table that was broken in half by a Karate chop.

Jiraiya stood up from the rubble showing himself to be in a much better state than anyone would expect from a guy who got punched through walls. "This was unexpected even for me Tsunade-hime but I guess he ran away when he realized that I was sending a missive to you so he probably thought that you would cancel the 3 years training trip." Explained Jiraiya as Tsunade let out a sigh.

"The problem is the council itself, Konoha is still sore from when Sasuke Uchiha betrayed the village for Orochimaru and now with Naruto doing the same even if he is planning to return after the 3 years would make them quite angry and I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to add him in the bingo book as a rogue Shinobi." Tsunade showed great worry and Jiraiya understood the ramification of such action.

"It's not as simple as you might think Tsunade-Hime, if Naruto completed the 3 years training trip I doubt anyone in this entire elemental nation could pose a threat to him which means if those old fools of the council especially Danzo had tried to attack this could very well mean our demise" Said Jiraiya as Tsunade eye widen including Shizune one thing they knew about Jiraiya and that is he never over exaggerate someone ability.

"Are you really serious Jiraiya? Do you really think that he is so skilled that he would pose a threat!" asked Tsunade.

"I'm not saying that Naruto is evil here or that he would destroy us but we need to take into account that Naruto is not the same idiot everyone knows he has changed and he won't hesitate to kill if felt threatened or just simply annoyed." said Jiraiya as Tsunade let out a sigh she rubbed her forehead.

"We need Naruto back in the village. He can't just roam around the elemental nation, especially with those Akatsuki running around. Our only best bet is to have Konoha 11 be sent to retrieve him" Said Tsunade as Jiraiya lightened up.

"That does sound like a good idea, I doubt Naruto would hurt his friends!" said Jiraiya, finding himself agreeing to the idea. "But until then we need to track him and quickly before anyone else could get the bright idea to try and take him away." Said Tsunade as Jiraiya nodded leaving the room in order to start searching for Naruto.


Naruto was walking in muddy terrain as he observed the thick mist but his enhanced senses made it impossible for anyone to even take him off guard. His appearance hasn't changed much aside from Bongseon being strapped to his waist.

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