Love Story In The Moonlight

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Dancing under the moonlight
Listening to the beautiful silence around us
Both of us trying not to break the silence
I stare into your eyes,
And it keeps giving me the feels there's mystery I need to solve.
But I keep telling myself, there's none expect you have the motive to break my heart.
You break the silence and tell me this words
"I love you but I have always thought it was something that will go eventually but it's not the case,I always do those heartbreaking things just so I can stop my feeling from growing but the amazing personality and beautiful character in you doesn't help the case at all. I am sorry for all that I have caused you. I just can't keep this to myself, I have to let it out by telling someone and that person is you."
I am amazed and shocked by your words that I don't know what to say. My mind and body responds by leaning towards you to hug you and tell you I feel the same.

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