Kenneth grabs my hand and pulls me with me through the filled stands. So here I am the only Ravenclaw in the Gryffindor sector. I never planned on landing here today, but it's a change for once.

The match was interesting. There were ups and downs, foul plays of the Slytheirns and great strategic plays from the Gryffindors.

"COME ON LOUIS, TAKE THE WIN HOME," I scream at the top of my lunges.

Some people turn to me looking angry. Kenneth shushes me real quick.

"Are you trying to sign your death penalty?," he mutters: "Are you mad cheering on Slytherin in the Gryffindor sector?"

"What are you getting at? I told you I will root for Slytherin, I don't care if you dragged me up here. I will shout whatever I want and if that is SHOW US THAT WONDERFUL ASS LOU then I should be allowed to do so."

I meet the gaze of Ron and Hermione. Both don't look pleased with my presence at all.

Then it all happens. Harry gets chased by a bludger. At first I thought that someone has a really good aim suddenly in the Slytherin team, but then when George hit the bludger away from Harry and it comes back I realized that something is wrong.

The twins are trying their best to safe Harry, but the other players have to deal with the consequences of being without their beaters. It's brutal.

Meanwhile Kenneth screams that Hooch needs to do something to get their Seeker into safety with the other Gryffindors, my only attention lies on the twins. I know how good of a beater both of them are, but that doesn't mean that this hexed bludger couldn't do any damage to them. Even after all that happened, I don't want them to get hurt.

I let go a breath of relief when the bludger is vanished and the game is over. Gryffindor is ecstatic about their win. Somehow Harry still managed to catch the snitch after all that happened.

"You should have rooted for Gryffindor now hu?," Kenneth beams at me.

"I should have rooted for god. That could have ended with someone seriously being in danger. What is wrong with you?," I snap at him turning my back at him and walking away.

"Jade! Wait. What is going on?," he runs after me.

"Harry could have been seriously hurt," I stare up at him: "And all you do care about is a bloody win? Fred and George could have been hurt, that all could have ended badly. Just a maniac would jinx a bludger like that. I don't find that funny!"

My breath is uneven. I don't even know what is happening with me. All I know is, that I need to get some anger out.

"But nothing happened Jade. This was probably the mysterious pranker again, who overstepped his boundaries again."

"Why does the whole world believe it has to be a HE?," I hiss: "Also do you really believe the pranker would aim for something as dangerous? Think for once."

I turn again and walk down the steps. Kenneth's following me on the heel.

"Love, I'm sorry. Please can we talk about this here- oh ouch."

He and I saw the same thing at the exact same time. Caroline slapping Louis across the cheek and storming off angrily. At the pale skin of Louis is still the fading sign of a hand. Caroline really didn't hold back when it came to slapping.

"I broke up with her," Louis mumbles, rubbing his cheek with a pained expression: "It was the only right thing to do."

"Was it really?," I ask annoyed.


Turns out a lot more happened to Harry than we believed. His whole bones in his arms were removed and he has to lie in the hospital wing until they regrow.

Is it a specialty of Potter to lie at least once a year in that room?

Gemma was curious to the bones to tell her everything that happened in great detail. If she would just come down with me the next time, I wouldn't have to explain everything all over to her. Maybe I manage that she will come with me the next time.

I left out the small fight of Kenneth and me, not wanting her to know about that, but told her everything that Louis did.

He did break up a potential relationship for his best friend without really knowing if his theory was true.

Loyalty is most important for him.

And I don't know if I should admire him for that or not.



LILAC (Fred Weasley)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora