Children Of Sunset 8

Start from the beginning

"HEY!!!" I called out, not really thinking about what I was saying ahead of time. When they turned their angry eyes on me, I froze up something awful. I wasn't trying to get myself involved to the point where I might take an ass whooping myself...but as long as I was already tangled up in this mess, i reckon I might as well earn whatever beating they've got planned for me. "He ain't done nothing to none of y'all! Just you let him be!"

"Well, well, well...if it ain't the sheriff's kid?" Said the biggest one of the group. He started walking towards me, and I felt myself getting mighty nervous, balling up my tiny fists to give him as good as I got it if I had to. "You need to mind your own business, boy. Get back home and quit poking around in what we got going on around these parts. Run on home and keep us out of your focus, you lil' fucker."

I could hardly catch my breath, expecting to take me a punch to the eye or the mouth any second now...but I didn't step back away from him. I found an ounce of manhood in me and stood my ground. Just like my daddy taught me when I was still a youngin'. "What you're doing ain't right. And you know it ain't right." I said, looking around him at the five or six other boys that were participating in the same act of cruelty. "None of y'all! Quit picking on a little boy and go find yourselves something productive to get into. He ain't done you no wrong, and you know it."

The other boy got up from the ground and dusted himself off. I wasn't quite sure if he knew much of what I was saying, seeing as he had a whole different way of speaking...but I think he got the notion that I was standing up for him. He definitely knew that much.

The tallest boy turned around and said, "Did we give you permission to get up? Huh? HUH???"

"No trouble." The boy said again. "Please. No trouble."

"Trouble? Oh you got a whole fucking wagon full of trouble the second you rolled into town! And now you've got to deal with it!" Him and his posse wasn't about to let up, but then...something else happened. Something that I wasn't expecting at all.

When the oldest boy used his finger to push against the boy's chest...he reacted by swiftly grabbing his hand and twisting it so far to the left that I thought he was going to twist it right off of his wrist! It was SO fast! I ain't never seen another boy move so fast! And he pushed him away...saying, once again, "NO TROUBLE!!! No trouble!!!" But now that he was hurting, that only angered the main bully and all of them moved in for an attack all at once.

And this is where my shocked and confused stare nearly caused me to go cross-eyed from what I was looking at. What the hell was going on???

All of a sudden, this boy began spinning around and lashing out at these bullies with the speed of a rattlesnake! Lord BLESS, he was fast!!! I couldn't even keep track of his hands! And his feet were even faster! I don't even think the dust could keep up with him as he put down a beating on those boys two or three at a time!

I watched him spin around low to kick the legs out from under two of the boys, and move his shoulders and arms so darn fast that two of the other boys didn't even know their noses were bleeding before the had already stumbled backwards a few steps and fell right on their asses. Another boy took three or four rapid punches to his chest, and one to his stomach that, sure enough, knocked the wind out of him...only to be kicked right off of his feet to 'splash land' in one of the horse troughs behind him, folding him up like a baby as he crossed his arms over himself to deal with the pain of it all.

That boy became a hellish whirlwind that not a single one of them were ready to deal with, and all I could do was stand back and watch as he made short work out of six or seven boys all at once. He jumped up and spun in a circle in the air to kick another one of the boys in the face, and then ran up the side of the wall to flip behind another one to elbow him twice in the ribs and pull him over his shoulder to push his face down in the dust. What kind of fighting was this??? I ain't never seen nothing like this before! He got to flipping and cartwheeling in ways that I ain't never bared witness to, and by the time he was finished...all of those brainless bullies were squirming around in the dirt like a bunch of sick hogs with a belly ache. They didn't stand a chance. Not a single one of them. That boy made short work of them in a matter of seconds, and I didn't even have enough time to be impressed by what he was doing before it was all over and done with. He was just that fast.

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