Mental Health Pt. 2-

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Well when you woke up in Mitty's bed one morning, everything looked grey...sure the sun was shining but all you saw was grey and well that's when you knew the depression you once knew came back. You frowned and sighed and reframed from moving from the bed since that's what depression loved to do to you was make it so you never leave the bed and to where you overthink literally everything in your life...

You whined and shoved your face back into the pillow wishing and hoping to go back to sleep and wake up to depression not being there but unfortunately it was and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

Of course Mitty wasn't next to you which already made you feel lonely and miserable but he is in a famous band afterall and gets up early to rehearse songs and whatnot...You suddenly just felt a huge weight being weighed down on your shoulders as if you were nothing but a bother to Mitty and that he deserved better...I mean come on now...he's a rockstar for fucks sake who could date a literal model and yet he chose you?

You had no idea why and yet even with all these crushing thoughts, all you could do was lie there feeling empty and numb. Once it became the afternoon Mitchel began to worry because he knew you should be up by now and you're not. Something in his gut didn't feel right and felt the need to check up on you so that's what he did.

He excused himself from the others and headed up to his room. He knocked on his door but heard nothing as he walked in just seeing you lying on his bed. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and walked over to see you were awake but you looked so miserable.

Mitchel crouched down and brushed your hair out of your face "Hey princess. What's the matter?" he asked, you stayed quiet "Are you alright?" He asked, you shook your head trying to communicate even though it was extremely hard to when you were depressed. Mitchel frowned "What's wrong?" he asked while rubbing your back,

You sighed "Depression Mitty" you whispered; he was confused "Depressed? Why?" he asked, you shrugged "always had it just never popped up until now" You whispered, Mitchel nodded "well did anythin trigger it?" He asked, you shook your head "Depression always comes back to bite me in the ass" you whispered,

Mitchel frowned and caressed your cheek "Well how about this. How about I draw you a nice hot bath. Order some delicious food and you, me and the others all play a nice board game huh? How does that sound?" he asked, you looked at him and smiled softly "Okay" you whispered, he smiled and gently pecked your lips before pulling the covers off your body.

You sighed as Mitchel grabbed onto your hands and pulled you to your feet which already made you exhausted. Mitchel helped you to the bathroom and drew you a nice hot bath. Of course you were too exhausted too undress so Mitchel helped you of course and helped bathe you because you were too tired to do so but he never minded.

While he helped you bathe of course he sang to you which always made you feel so much better. After your bath, he dressed you in his clothes and took you downstairs and set you on the couch with the others "Alright boys I'm gonna order some food. Find a board game to play" Mitchel said,

The others nodded as they decided to bring out Cards Against Humanity. While food was on the way we all just played cards against humanity which was honestly really fun and I was just glad Mitchel and the others were here for me because nothing made me happier than them.

Christian Anthony- You've had Social Anxiety since you were a teen. You were already a pretty shy and timid kid around people so your parents never bothered, but it started to get worse and worse and well starting school wasn't any easier seeing as your anxiety got worse which made it hard to go to school each and every but of course your parents fought with you because you had to go to school but all it did was make you miserable.

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