Chapter 46 [Kill the Clone]

Start from the beginning

Clone Dante:"Then i guess those are your last word's dumbasses."

We started fighting him and he was proving to be more annoying than challanging, that is until i tried to finish him off.


I thrusted my sword toward's his stomach but he had some how manipulated his own body kinda like those four demon people the rest of Night Raid was talking about, i jumped backward's to avoid an attack he had sent my way.

Dante:"Body manipulation ey? I don't remember being able to do that."

I sarcasticly added.

Clone Dante:"That's because you can't, i'm stronger than you in every way shorty."

Dante:"Why call me shorty when i'm taller than you?"

Clone Dante:"Well, then i'll just have to do this!"

Some sort of energy had emerged from his stocky ass and made his eye's turn red and his vein's started buldging through his skin.

Vergil:"You call that power? Pathetic."

Clone Dante:"Why you little-

Clone Dante:"Why you little-

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Dante:"Oh what now?"

Vergil:"Who are you?"

Clone Dante:"Vergil?"

????:"I don't go by that name anymore, i go by Hajime now."

Clone Dante:"You peice of shit, you really betreyed the very people who created us!?"

Hajime:"Because we are not real, we are a mean's to an end, simply prototype's to what they wanted there new soldier's to be and i won't stand for it, for the sake of the revolution you die here brother."

Dante:"At least one of the clone's came to there sence's, now let's kick his ass."

We ran toward's my clone and now with Vergil's clone Hajime, it made it a bit easer but me and Vergil still had no idea how to kill him, until Hajime did something that finished him off.

Hajime:"Let's see you survive without this."

He had grabed my clone's pendent and crushed it in his fist

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He had grabed my clone's pendent and crushed it in his fist.

Clone Dante:"We...were brother's...once."

Hajime:"We were never brother's, just clone's of the original's."

The clone had faded away leaving nothing but his weapon's behind, i'm not sure if this will work but maybe we could recrute this Hajime kid.

Dante:"Ya know, the team could always use some extra hand's."

Hajime:"I am sorry, but i have to decline but i want you to have this before i go, the replica Yamato might not be as strong as the original but it might have something you could use."

He had passed us his Replica of the Yamato and reached for his pendent.

Hajime:"Until we meet again, son's of Sparda."

He crushed his own pendent killing him, he faded into the wind leaving me and Vergil there as if nothing had happened.

Vergil:"Such a waste."

Dante:"Yeah, that clone of your's had a good heart to."

Vergil:"As he said, he was a mean's to an end we couldn't have stopped him even if we tried

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Vergil:"As he said, he was a mean's to an end we couldn't have stopped him even if we tried."

I grabed the clone's weapon's and we started back to base.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter i'll see y'all later bye]

Akame ga Kill! - Devilborn [Mine x Tatsumi x Akame]Where stories live. Discover now