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From what Jace could see the compound was no more than a burning dump. The walls and gate had been blasted through, the grounds were on fire, and the main building was still actively burning. The SEALs came across DiNozzo McGee, and DS Mack, they had managed to escape the fire but were unable to locate the others.

"Gimme a SITREP," said Rhodes.

"We got six survivors that we know of in two different places," said McGee. "Agents Gibbs, David, and Sitwell took the Ambo to the haven vector. Agent Amato and Senior Chief Brooke are holed up in the TOC."

Two SEALs went with Grey and Rider to secure the TOC, and two stayed with McGee and DiNozzo, treating their injuries, meanwhile, Rhodes and Petty Officer Miller went to look for the others in the compound.

. . .

Ziva and Gibbs were navigating through the flames, they had lost track of the Ambassador and Sitwell. They were lightheaded and exhausted, and they could barely breathe. They made it to the haven doors, barely able to get them open they limped out. They collapsed to the ground, the room was growing dark, and they continued to crawl trying to find the exit.

Ziva felt a set of hands take her by the shoulders, unable to fight back, she simply continued to let the darkness surround her.

. . .

Jace and Dodd dismounted from overwatch to meet with the others. They took the vehicles and made their way to the DOP. Jace kept his pistol ready in the event of a vehicular confrontation; he saw cars and pedestrians rush past him, families trying to escape the conflict, and people looking for their loved ones. based on what the TOC told them it wasn't over.

"November Team, be advised there are at least forty enemy combatants converging on the DOP, over."

Once they got to the compound Jace saw his team treating the NCIS team and Lydia for their injuries. He immediately made his way to his father and Ziva, they were completely covered in ash and soot. McGee and DiNozzo looked somewhat better, Raya and Brooke had looked like they had been in a fight.

"SITREP," said Jace, thoroughly going over their injuries.

"The Ambassador and DS Sitwell are still missing," said Ziva, trying to get up.

Jace gently grabbed her, she was dehydrated, had minor burns, and had suffered from oxygen deprivation. "We can't stay here, we got about forty tangos coming."

He helped load them into one of the cars, as soon as everyone was in the car they sped out. Jace stayed in the back with his father and Ziva, as they made their way out they saw more of the carnage the insurgents had left behind. Dead contractors, civilians, no one had been spared. Three miles out and they had been ambushed by gunfire, tangos firing at them from the sidewalk, and a car full of gunmen chasing them. Jace took an MP5 from the car's arms cache and fired, taking out the driver.

They continued to take fire and return just as much until they were in the clear. Once they reached the Annex Jace took his dad and Ziva to the infirmary; he went over their injuries again, with no indication of internal injuries, first-degree burns, or shortness of breath. The others did the same to the other agents before the outpost physicians took over.

The SEALs were called up to the TOC, they met with Lieutenant Commander Webber and Station Chief Green, both of whom had opted to jock up. The Ground Branch had returned with the NOCs, all of whom had also donned their armor. Looking around, Jace noticed that even the desk officers were similarly prepared.

"Sir?" Jace spoke up. "What's the word on the evacuation?"

"In the works," responded the Naval Officer. "Echo Team and the Deltas departed from Naples, Italy two hours ago; they'll be here in less than seven hours."

"In the meantime what's our game plan?"

"Fortify the Annex until we can arrange for a secured transport. The Company is working with local forces to make that happen."

"That's going to be a problem," said Green, getting off the phone. "Local police are overwhelmed and the Lebanese military has its hands full trying to keep more militants from entering the country."

"So we're on our own."

No one said anything to the contrary, Jace and the others went to the armory. If they were going to make a stand they were going to have to be armed to the teeth.

. . .

Jace had set up sniper overwatch on top of the central building overlooking the northern vector. He had an HK417 battle rifle and an HK416 carbine, four magazines for each rifle. He wasn't expecting to use his pistol but he kept it fully loaded with one in the chamber and two spare magazines.

His father came up, carrying an M40 and Mk18 and set up in the corner adjacent to him. Ziva was on the lower balcony with a Remington 700PSS and an MK18 Mod 1. His team and the rest of the NCIS agents were in the northwest and northeast vectors on patrol. The PMOs were going were doing the same in the rest of the building.

They waited for a little over an hour for any activity, Jace noticed movement a few miles out, a car had parked in the corner of one of the abandoned buildings.

"November-One to all stations, be advised, there is a uniform vehicle parked at least five klicks from our pos, over."

Jace continued to relay his findings on the radio, there were two uniforms inside, but no weapons that he could see. The one in the passenger seat had a camera with a scope attached to the lenses. The vehicle drove off, and Jace made out a cellphone in the hands of the photographer. Could've been relaying intel to another party or getting strike coordinates for a mortar attack.

"If we send a team after them it will be a death sentence," said Ziva. "If not then they will come back with reinforcements."

"Let them try," reply Jace. "Patience, relentlessness, and the will to fight back are key and they're our advantage."

Gibbs only smiled at his son's resolve.

Bound by Blood, Forged in FireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ