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Tony was coordinating with Little Creek Security to put the present members of SEAL Team 10 on lockdown. McGee was tracking down Niels via traffic cameras, so far all he knew was that the fugitive SEAL had stolen the assigned agent's Taurus and was avoiding the main roadways. Ziva escorted Jace back to his home, it was becoming evident that he was becoming too personally involved. LT Holloway and Petty Officer Reese were ordered to report back to their quarters, and Blackwell escorted them back himself.

"I want to know where he's heading," said Gibbs, his patience was particularly tested in this case. "I want the phones of his teammates tapped, local LEOs on every transit station, and they are to consider him armed and extremely dangerous."

Just then DEA Agent Sharon Patterson came in.

"I got the files of the drug investigation, Niels' platoon were the primary suspects but Swarek's platoon was in the same region of Afghanistan around the same time as them."

Patterson pulled out a warrant from her briefcase. Gibbs grabbed his badge and weapon, following her to the elevator.

. . .

Jace and Ziva had just picked Kathleen up from the hospital. After her shift, Kathy went to the OB/GYN Department for her appointment. They made their way to Julian and Kathleen's house in NAB Little Creek. Jace walked Kathleen inside while Ziva checked in with the other Gibbs. Special Agent Taylor pulled up. Because Julian was part of the Sword & Shield Taskforce the Justice Department had a special interest in the case.

Little did they know that their would-be assailant was in the stolen Taurus, prepping his weapon and Ka-Bar. He saw another car pull up, and a man with ginger-blonde hair got out, a badge around his neck. Another Fed.

. . .

Gibbs and Patterson were sitting in Interrogation across from Swarek. They caught him attempting to leave the Little Creek armory with an MP5, and three spare magazines.

"What were you going to do with the weapon, Lieutenant?" asked Gibbs. "A submachine gun's overkill for a hunting trip."

"You didn't sign them out, so you were going to misuse government property for personal reasons," stated Patterson.

The SEAL didn't answer, he continued to strain the cuffs around his wrists.

"We checked your quarters," Gibbs spread out a series of photos, they were of evidence seized from the search. "The opium seeds that were hidden in the soles of your boots, the photos you took when you and Niels assaulted other female sailors."

"They were going to ruin everything!" snapped Swarek. "It's my job to straighten out my men and to do whatever I deem necessary!"

"You and Niels assaulted three Intelligence Officers because they knew about the drugs," pressed Gibbs. "The fourth died because she knew about the hazing and the war crimes, you utilized tactics that deliberately put innocent civilians in danger."

Swarek looked at the other photos, the people he carelessly killed as a result of his reckless use of an anti-tank weapon he used to demolish a building he suspected to be a terrorist hideout rigged with IEDs. Twelve bystanders were killed, and he blamed the casualties on the insurgents' explosives. he knew that the forensics would lead back to the weapon he used. He was done for.

Just then Commander Coleman came in with a four Master-at-Arms, arrest warrant in hand.

. . .

Niels waited until Jace, the FBI Agent, and a woman who he assumed was Agent David leave. He crept into the house, he heard the shower running. Good, he thought to himself, he wanted to enjoy himself while he was at it. He made his way to the bedroom, he saw a brunette woman in a bathrobe going through the nightstand. He raised his weapon with his right hand, reaching to undo his belt with his left.

The woman turned around, a Sig P228 in her hand.

"Great, now we can add public indecency to the charges," said Ziva. "I'm offended, after the last time we were in a bedroom together I thought you'd recognize me."

Niels stood still, he sensed two other people come in from behind him on both sides. Agents McGee and Dinozzo had their weapons aimed at his head.

"And they call cops 'pigs'," said McGee.

"He sure does put the 'special' in 'Special Warfare Operator', " quipped DiNozzo.

"Don't worry I'm sure there will be people willing to tend to your needs in prison," said Gibbs, entering the hallway weapon drawn. "Though I doubt it'll be what you wanted."

They escorted Niels outside after confiscating the weapon, Julian and Taylor were outside standing by the FBI vehicle. Kathleen was inside the car watching. Jace approached the other SEAL.

"In a perfect world, I could take you by the throat and make sure that you spent the rest of your days in a wheelchair," Jace, looking him dead in the eye. "But when we take an oath you agree to be held to a higher standard. What happened to honor? What happened to integrity?"

Niels only looked down. The agents carried him away into another vehicle containing Lieutenant Swarek.

. . .

After the agents took Niels away Jace and Kathleen went inside. Julian was pale, the house he shared with Kathleen had been violated.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm so sorry, you don't deserve to have gone through this, you didn't sign on for this."

Kathleen only cupped her fiancé's face, looking into his eyes.

"I'm here because I want to be with you," she said, being fully honest. "When you're in it for the long haul you're in it, even when there is a storm."

They sat down, not breaking eye contact.

"Do you remember what my dad called you and Jethro when we first came together?"

Jace shook his head, unable to think at the moment.

"'Good men in a storm' that's exactly what you are and that's what makes you worth staying with."

Jace put his hand over Kathleen's. "I don't deserve you."

"I'll be the judge of that and I say that you're stuck with me."

They embraced, certain that they were going to be okay.

. . .

Gibbs sat in the front row behind the prosecution's side of the courtroom. Jace, Kathleen, Ziva, Tony, McGee, and Jace's platoon were also present. The verdict was about to take place. Both Niels and Swarek opted for a trial solely determined by the Judge.

"On the charges of sexual assault, the defendants are found guilty. On the charges of Manslaughter, guilty. And finally on the charge of Articles 92, 93, and 118, guilty."

The prosecution exhaled, grateful for this for all the right reasons.

"The charged will be sentenced to a life sentence and will be stripped of their Special Warfare insignias effective immediately. Dismissed."

Before the MAs took Swarek and Niels away they stopped when Jace and the platoon stood in front of them.

"You heard the Judge, effective immediately."

Jace and Holloway took Niels' and Swarek's tridents away, respectively. Afterward, everyone watched as the disgraced operators continued to be led out of the room.

Bound by Blood, Forged in FireWhere stories live. Discover now