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The SEALs were in the TOC relaying what they had gathered, the information was detailed but the main issue was the target's choice of laborers. From what they saw the children spanned from the ages of seven and above, with the oldest being at least fifteen. The kids weren't taking part in security, simply cultivating the crops. the platoon and the agents were uncertain of whether or not to take the target or to leave it to other forces. As far as they knew the HVT, Axmed Bashiir was still inside.

"What can you tell me?"

Director Sheperd's and Commander Blackwell's faces popped up on the main screen.

"Director, we have a problem regarding the operation," said Xavier. "The compound appears to be employing at least thirty sentries, maybe more."

"The building itself is rather large for one platoon to take on," added Jace. "On top of that, it seems to employ children as laborers."

The Director blanched at this information, however, she got her bearings and carried on.

"As difficult as that makes it we have no other alternatives," said the Director. "None of the SMUs are available and our other assets in the region aren't prepared to assault the target."

"Director, a raid of this magnitude takes more time and resources to plan," interjected Blackwell. "Especially if you want the HVT alive."

"We're running out of time intel suggests that he'll be relocating soon and we don't know when and where."

"I can have another platoon there in six hours, anything else won't get there for another three days," said Blackwell "Will that suffice Lieutenant?"

Jace looked at his friend, he could tell that he was running scenarios in his head: if they didn't assault the compound they could lose Bashiir and if they did they risk further endangering the children and they could lose the HVT in the process. Jace knew that none of this would be easy and the risks could backfire on the team completely. On the other hand, the best way to control the situation was to take care of the matter themselves. Jace and Xavier looked at each other, the former had an idea.

"We could apprehend him as he leaves."

"Excuse me?" inquired Director Sheperd.

"Two platoons survey the compound, as Bashiir makes his way out one platoon catches him while the other takes the compound," answered Jace.

Both Sheperd and Blackwell agreed with this, the second platoon would be there before sundown.

. . .

The second platoon stationed themselves at the west of the compound on account of the concealment and vantage point. Meanwhile, Jace's platoon was set to survey and pursue Bashiir once he left the compound. Jace rather would have preferred the compound assault, he wanted to personally ensure the safety of the children. However, he knew the men in the platoon and that they were well suited for the job, and with the NCIS team, the kids were in good hands with them.

. . .

The agents and the second platoon were making their way to the compound, once they reached the fence the SEALs pushed down, trying to mitigate the noise as best they could. They had chosen the side of the compound out of view of the overwatch towers and had the laxest security. Once inside the platoon split into two squads, the first with the objective to eliminate security forces and the second to assist the agents with securing the children.

 Once inside the platoon split into two squads, the first with the objective to eliminate security forces and the second to assist the agents with securing the children

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