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The team was being briefed on the task, they were going to hunt down the GTNE cell responsible for the hit. So far, all they managed to piece together was that Adil Adnan was a former soldier in the Iranian 65th Airborne Special Forces Brigade. He had abandoned his command after failing a psyche evaluation that had deemed him unfit for duty. Afterward, he became a mercenary, according to his psyche profile he's driven by hatred for his former government. Intel confirmed that he was making a run for Uzbekistan, now that the team was cleared for combat they were going to apprehend him before he reached the border.

The rest of the NCIS team was going with them, they were tasked with assisting with Intel Collection.

The plane ride was a quiet one SOCOM was about to set off a massive JSOC deployment, their Army counterparts were already all over the Northern Middle East and they were on their way to the south.

Jace hadn't been able to see his daughters before spinning up, Zoey and Walt were already on the case. He was always grateful for them but sometimes he wished their services weren't needed, that he could take of them on his own.

He was currently on the satellite phone with Ziva. "How are my guys?"

"They are doing great, Wesson is filling your old mantle well," responded Ziva. "They can't wait to see you."

"Yeah, I can't wait to see how they're holding up and Dave misses beating them in poker."

"Are you sure you want to come back here?" asked Ziva, concerned more for his safety than the investigation. "Just because we concluded that one of the detainees was the target does not mean that you and your team aren't at risk."

"Zee, we're always at risk when we're downrange," answered Jace. "NCIS and JSOC cleared us for combat, this op is hardly any different from the others. Besides, you and I both know that you'd do the same in my position."

"Don't be so cow-headed, the moment you get here I will be stuck to you like paste."

Jace stifled a laugh, knowing what she meant.

Once the call ended Jace pondered on one thing, the second he was on the ground he was a Team Guy, a Frogman. He couldn't think of his daughters too much and he couldn't be his father's son, he had to be a Door Kicker. Anything less than that was a flight risk.

. . .

They were going over the battle plans, it was a small job fit for a squad of eight

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They were going over the battle plans, it was a small job fit for a squad of eight. Ever since uncovering the GTNE's fractured status, JSOC has been deploying small teams, everything from full platoons to four-man fire teams, for whatever target they find.

Badr was traveling with four guards in a single technical vehicle. They were going to cut him off with an MM-1 Claymore, and Jace and Reese were going to suppress them with overwatch. The assault team would then grab the target. NCIS, Grey, and Rider were going to go through the village he had been lying low in.

They rode in on a technical and two ATVs, Jace and Reese set up on a hilltop while the others got into position. They watched as the target approached the mine, once they made contact they took down the guard manning the machine gun, and the extraction team grabbed Badr.

Before they could leave they came under RPG and machine gunfire. Jace and Reese moved to an offensive position to cover their friends. The team on the ground moved to defend themselves, one used the machine gun on the technical.

. . .

The MCRT team, Chief Petty Officer Rider, and Officer Grey were escorted in by the Raiders, Jace's old platoon was their QRF. So far everyone could only say that Badr kept to himself and hardly left his house. The place was bare, with only remains of the essentials, toiletries, and a small kitchen. They gathered whatever they could, but the place had been thoroughly cleaned.

Ziva, Amato, Grey, and Rider were tasked with questioning the women. They noticed one of them watching them, Ziva and Amato attempted to confront her but the woman lost them in the crowd.

Ziva got ahold of Gibbs on the radio, letting him know that their cover may have been blown.

. . .

"Echo-Three to TOC, we are under fire with at least fifteen enemy combatants," Jace said into his radio as he covered his teammates. "Requesting armored extraction, over."

He watched as Senior Chief Hall and Chief Bennet returned fire, but they were still heavily outgunned. Jace managed to take out three combatants, but multiple armored vehicles carrying more fighters came in. One of the ground team SEALs threw a grenade, but this helped minimally. Jace took aim with an M27 Law and fired at one of the technicals, unfortunately, he only had one round.

. . .

The team and the MSOT came under fire from two technicals, Gibbs returned fire making his way to their vehicles, and the others followed suit while the Marines covered them

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The team and the MSOT came under fire from two technicals, Gibbs returned fire making his way to their vehicles, and the others followed suit while the Marines covered them. Amato radioed this in, the platoon was coming in.

"Who are these guys?" asked Amato over the gunfire.

"I don't know," shouted Rider. "Could be GTNE trying to clean up after themselves."

Everyone used suppressive fire long enough for the Marines to eliminate the threat with heavy arms fire. Once they were clear they made it to their vehicles, once they reached the outskirts of town the Team 4 platoon joined them, augmenting their security.

Gibbs' satellite phone rang, once he answered it his face turned grim. He hung up.

"That was the TOC," said Gibbs, speeding up the vehicle. "Jace's team is under attack."

. . .

The squad managed to gun their way out and make it to their vehicles but were currently being pursued by their attackers. As they fled the operators returned fire but they still had two armored technicals on their tail. Drake radioed the TOC informing them that they had tangoes behind them and that they were going to need a hot extract.

"Echo Team, continue your current route and prepare for cover fire, over."

The team watched as the second squad hit the tangos with heavy munitions. Hall gave them the all-clear and they continued to make their way back to the FOB.

Bound by Blood, Forged in FireWhere stories live. Discover now