"Others can discuss, why I can't do it!" Mei has a sense of anger and frustration, and has a lot less fear, "You are an abuse of power!"

    Tang Xuheng: "The headlines you posted have guided others to treat Yuyu..The potential meaning of meat, the next time, is more than just a title. If you maliciously guide others to pick up other people's privacy and information in public forums, you have to be punished. "

    Hearing Tang Xuheng's words, Mei Jianzhi suddenly panicked. He stammered: "I, I, I really don't, that idea..."

    "Whether you have that idea or not, this approach is indeed suspected of guiding." Tang Xuheng relentlessly interrupted Mei Jianshu's words, "Although your buildings have been deleted, the administrator can restore it. If you are I don’t want me to hand over those buildings as evidence to the school, so I apologize honestly!"

    Mei Jianshi was completely frightened, almost without hesitation, apologized in a trembling voice: "Lin Shuyu! I'm sorry!"

    Tang Xuheng snorted coldly and said impatiently: "After apologizing, just get out."

    After going to the toilet, the two returned home together.

.After entering the door, Lin Shuyu asked, "Brother Heng, what else happened on the forum?"

    Tang Xuheng's eyes flashed: "It's not a big deal, I didn't tell you."

    Lin Shuyu whispered, "It's because they discussed my family's affairs, so you don't plan to tell me, do you?"

    This matter can be guessed after a little thought. It involves both privacy and a possible topic for guiding people. It is nothing more than discussing the situation in his home.

    Seeing Lin Shuyu's guess directly, Tang Xuheng suddenly regretted that he had just rushed to teach Mei both in the toilet.

    He should ask someone out for a beaten up in private.

    Tang Xuheng took a deep breath and decided to tell the truth: "Well, I'm afraid that mentioning this will make you uncomfortable."

.Lin Shuyu was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but smile: "Brother Heng, how can I be so fragile, just mentioning this will make me sad."

    Tang Xuheng stared into his eyes with a serious tone: "Is it really sad?"

    Tang Xuheng remembered it clearly.

    Because of family reasons, Lin Shuyu was fostered in his home when he was 6 years old.

    At the very beginning, Lin Shuyu would miss his parents from time to time, always using him as a napkin, crying out of breath in his arms and rubbing his tears.

    Later, as he got older, Lin Shuyu cried less and less.

    Probably because he also gradually understood that no matter how many times he cried, no matter how many tears he shed, he would not be able to exchange the pity of his parents to see him.

.Later, Lin Shuyu seldom mentioned family matters, and he kept silent about his parents, and even... directly regarded the couple as dead.

    The Lin family's matter seemed to have become a scar for Lin Shuyu, and he was trying his best to cover up the scar.

    Because of this, Tang Xuheng and Cheng Feng would basically not take the initiative to mention these things, even if they mentioned them, they would try their best to jump over them.

    Lin Shuyu was taken aback by Tang Xuheng's question. He subconsciously wanted to deny it, but found that facing Tang Xuheng, he couldn't tell a lie.

    Lin Shuyu moved her eyelashes and sighed, her voice a little low: "I feel a little sad."

    As soon as the voice fell, he fell into a warm embrace.

    Tang Xuheng hugged him tightly and whispered comforting: "Don't be sad."

.Hearing Tang Xuheng’s coaxing tone, Lin Shuyu’s not-so-sorrowful mood was immediately wiped out. He thought about it, and said, “Why is it so sensational all of a sudden? Sad, but only a little bit."

    Afraid that Tang Xuheng would not believe him, Lin Shuyu explained: "A long time ago, I figured it out. Even without them, I don't lack people who care about me. I still have uncles and aunts, grandparents, and you."

    Of course, in addition to these, there is another reason that cannot be said-he remembered the past.

    Compared to what he had experienced before coming over through the book, he has been lucky enough in his life.

    At least for now, someone is by his side.

    Just after Lin Shuyu finished speaking, he felt that Tang Xuheng's embrace tightened again, making him a little breathless.

.He finally couldn't hold back, pushed, and complained: "Brother Heng, are you hot?"

    Tang Xuheng heard what he meant, but he held it for a while before gradually letting go.

    Lin Shuyu: "I'm sweating, and I have to take a bath after eating to take a nap."

    Seeing that Lin Shuyu's mood was the same as usual, Tang Xuheng also relaxed a lot. He joked, "Aren't you having a hard time sweating? How can you sweat after a hug."

    Lin Shuyu: "...you just assume that I am for the shower."

    After lunch, Lin Shuyu took a change of clothes and went into the bathroom.

    After he finished washing out, Tang Xuheng realized that he had changed back to half-length pants.

    The rules of No. 3 Middle School are strict in some places, but there are not so many requirements in terms of dress-only students are required to wear uniform shirts in school, and school pants are not required.

.Of course, this may also be due to the fact that the school pants that match the school uniform are too wide and ugly, which affects the image of the school.

    Tang Xuheng glanced over Lin Shuyu's white and beautiful calf without a trace, and his Adam's apple rolled: "Why did you change back to shorts?"

    Lin Shuyu washed her hair, and while wiping her hair with a towel, said, "It's hot, so it's cool to wear shorts."

    He wears school uniforms, shorts, canvas shoes, in summer. Had it not been for the hospitalization a few days ago, he wouldn't have been wearing trousers for almost a week.

    Tang Xuheng: "Don't you sweat easily? Why are you so afraid of heat."

    Lin Shuyu: "Is there any conflict between these two?"

    I don't know if it was his illusion, Heng didn't seem to want him to wear shorts very much.

    Tang Xuheng: "...no."

.Just waiting to go back to school, there will be a group of people peeking at Yuyu's legs, a little uncomfortable.

    Tang Xuheng's worries were not unreasonable. When he was studying in the evening, he took out his mobile phone and swiped the forum, and a post was blatantly floating on the homepage.

    #煜神 finally wears five-point pants! Ye Qing back! #

    Tang Xuheng: "..." Tsk.

[BL] A Cannon Fodder and a Bamboo Horse Dressed as an Attacker [Book Wearing]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat