But when he enters the kitchen and encounters the fresh ingredients, he realizes that when he really likes something, it is not painful giving, but uncontrollable immersion; it is not about the gains and losses, but the enjoyment of the process of doing it.

He used to have a hard life every day, and felt irritated by this kind of hard work, but he also put a lot of energy into cooking, but he felt that even if he was tired, he was happy.

It’s good to live a lifetime again and find what you really like to do.

This new dish studied by Li Sinian is spicy pork trotters.

Just look at the name, this is a very common dish, but the recipe is really different from the usual trotters.

In the process of making this dish, the light soy sauce and dark soy sauce are not added, but it is more delicious than the method of adding a lot of seasonings.

That's right, this spicy pig's trotters, which had failed him for two weeks, finally succeeded.

He didn't make a video when he tried it. If he wanted to make a video, he had to do it again and then shoot the material.

Li Sinian was afraid of wasting ingredients, so he used the least amount of ingredients every time he improved the recipe, and this time it was the same, only making half of the trotters.

But eating half a pig's feet at night is not too small. According to Li Sinian's principle of not eating overnight vegetables and not wasting food, the video is actually the best recorded tomorrow, but he really can't help it.

He likes cooking, likes to study dishes, and his double superimposition makes him want to take a good video and upload it right now, letting the world know that his first completely innovative dish has succeeded.

Li Sinian stared at the new kitchen utensils that he had not used a few times for a while, and then decisively opened the refrigerator to take out the ingredients and prepare to shoot.

What principle? In the face of interest, the principle is weak and not worth mentioning.

He needs to do it now, and the big deal is to eat an overnight pig's feet tomorrow, and no one will die.

Li Sinian put the camera aside, and then began to clean the trotters.

Unlike every previous video, the production process of this video is very detailed. In order to describe it clearly, he also made an aloud comment.

Because it is an original video, this video does not blur the production process as in the past. It mainly highlights the healing feeling of the cooking process, but puts the cooking tutorial in the first place.

After shooting a good video, Li Sinian carefully edited it.

After he finished all the work, he looked up and realized that it was a little late already.

This is the first time he stayed up all night since he left home, and his hobbies can break all principles.

Li Sinian uploaded a good video and fell asleep.

Because he slept late the before night, he slept late the next morning and had already missed breakfast when he got up.

At this time, he was not in the mood to go to the restaurant anymore, so he slowed down, exercised slowly and took a bath, and then had a lunch.

Breakfast and lunch are the spicy pork knuckles left over from yesterday, with some white porridge and green vegetables.

During the meal, he put his phone aside, ready to watch the video of the meal.