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It stands to reason that there should be a separate microwave oven in Li Sinian's office, but because he had never taken meals seriously before, the microwave oven was removed by him, and the free space was replaced with documents.


Li Sinian looked at the pile of papers on the table, felt it was an eyesore.

Alas, work affects his work.(T/N:I think it should be health)

Li Sinian had to take his lunch to the public microwave oven downstairs to heat up lunch.

It's a meal time now, and many employees are lining up in front of the microwave oven waiting for the hot meal.

Li Sinian didn't like to use privileges to overwhelm others, so he was at the back of the line.

The employees in front are talking about the latest gossip that happened in the company today - the morning meeting.

Of course, the main content of the gossip is still him.

After the workaholic Vice President Li was late for work, he was extremely perfunctory at the meeting, which made President Li almost angry on the spot.

"This is Vice President Li. If we are ordinary employees, I am afraid that it will not be allowed."

"Alas, the rich second generation is good."

"I think Vice President Li is okay, and the most outstanding one is President Li's younger son, he already has 10% of the company’s shares before he graduated from university. That’s really the pride of the world.”

“Actually, I think Vice President Li is quite pitiful. Look at how hard he worked, but listen to secretary Chen. The secretary said that President Li didn't plan to give him any shares."

The employees in front of him were full of enthusiasm. Li Sinian was listening while playing Lianliankan (a sort of game like candy crush)with his head down.

Suddenly, the noise in his ears stopped. Li Sinian noticed, raised his head and found that the person in front of him did not know when he lowered his head. Everyone shut up and played with their mobile phones.

Oh, maybe someone saw him.

Li Sinian didn't care about them, and continued to bow his head.

The line quickly reached him.

Li Sinian put the lunch box in the microwave, and a minute later, with a ding sound, the lunch was ready.

He turned off the microwave, and the aroma of the food instantly diffuses in the rest room.

In fact, food is more or less tasteful, and other people's lunches will also give off fragrance, but Li Sinian's lunch seems to be particularly delicious, and the smell alone can make people hungry.

Several employees close to Li Sinian were fortunate enough to see Li Sinian's rice. The appetite evoked by the smell was magnified several times when they saw the color of the food with their own eyes.

Some people even couldn't hold back, and their stomachs gurgled directly.

Li Sinian looked back at him. The man who made the noise scratched his head embarrassedly and asked, "Vice President Li, is it your nanny that cooked the lunch? It looks so delicious."

"No." Li Sinian replied: "I made it myself."

The man immediately widened his eyes when he heard the words, "You made it yourself?!"

The female employee next to him also came over, "My God, this craftsmanship, I can go to shop."
