X - Can I Be Her

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Sitting alone at a chair on his terrace, Seokhoon, who was once again looking into the box where all his memories with Rona were kept, chugged on his beer and almost finished the contents of the bottle in one gulp.

It has been hours ever since he left the hospital where Rona is currently confined but he can't help but cry on his own once again as he remembers what Rona has told him about his request of being with her on her last days.

Grabbing one of her pictures inside the box, Seokhoon stared at it and felt his tears flow even more.

Why are you so mean, Rona-yah? Why can't you allow me to become happy once again even just for a short time? Why can't you allow me to enter your life once more and allow me to spend your last days with me?

Chugging on his beer bottle once more, Seokhoon rested his body on his seat and brought his arms towards his face, trying to conceal his tear-filled eyes.

You're such a big babo, Rona. We both know that we still love each other but why are you like this? You're so mean to me, Rona-yah.

Is it wrong for me to love you this much? Is it wrong for me to still care for you like this even when I'm about to be tied to someone else? Answer me, Rona-yah. ANSWER ME!!!

And with that, the once intact beer bottle has now shattered into tiny broken pieces, scattered on the floor.

He never knew that rejection would hurt this badly. He never knew that it was possible to get his heart broken even more by the person whom he thought will mend it.


While still kissing the man she longed for five long and lonely years, Rona have thought about the what ifs in her mind and the consequences of her actions and choices with regards to Seokhoon's request.

Deep inside, Rona loved the idea of spending her last days with him. She loved the idea of letting him come into her life once again but she also knew that their situation is not that simple.

Seokhoon was someone else's man already and whether she likes it or not, she knows she has to accept that painful truth.

Breaking away from the affectionate kiss, Rona looked at Seokhoon and took his big hands into hers. Feeling her tears flow to her cheeks once again, she couldn't herself but let out a loud sob and afterwards, she said to him

I'm sorry, Seokhoon-ah. But we can't. We can't do this. You're someone else's man already. You can't cheat on your girlfriend like this. Have you ever thought of what she would feel? Have you ever thought of what I would feel?

Seokhoon, upon hearing his beloved's response, froze on the spot. He didn't expect Rona to reject him and his request. Not now that he knew they both needed each other's love and presence.

Rona-yah, I know you know that we still love each other. Rona-yah, I want to feel genuine happiness for the first time after five long years. To tell you honestly, I can't still accept the fact that you will be gone anytime soon and I don't want to spend the rest of my life living in regret.

Regret that I didn't let you feel how much I love you, regret that I didn't let you see how much I care for you, and regret that I didn't give you the happiness and strength that you badly need right now. As far as possible, I wanted to take this one last chance given to me to be with you until it's finally time for you to go.

Time is passing by quickly and within the little time that you have, I wanted to be with you and make up for all of the mistakes I've done to you and to our relationship in the past. Please, Rona-yah. Let's be selfish even just this once and let us be happy together for one last time.

Last Farewell (A Seokrona AU) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now