V - The Plan

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Did you tell Seokhoon about Rona?

Jenni asked Minhyuk as they sat down inside the coffee shop where Rona and Seokhoon first met each other while drinking a hot cup of coffee.

Nodding at the female in front of him, Minhyuk replied.

Yes, I did. As expected, he's still affected whenever someone mentions Rona's name or reminds him of her and their past relationship.

Gazing at the view of cars passing by and people walking across the street, Jenni lets out a sigh and uttered

They had such a beautiful and magical relationship in the past. The two of them were my role models when it comes to relationships. I saw how both of them loved and cared for each other. I saw how supportive Seokhoon was in Rona's every endeavor and how Rona stood by Seokhoon's side when he started training to become their company's next CEO. They were so compatible with each other.

They were able to balance out each other's personalities and their relationship didn't hinder them to grow as an individual. That is the kind of relationship I want. A relationship that is so much more than skin ship and fluffs but a relationship that is all about helping each other grow, mature, and succeed as a person.

Honestly, I'll not wonder anymore if Seokhoon is still not able to move on from my bestie. Rona practically is his soulmate.

Looking back at Minhyuk, Jenni asked him.

Did you tell him? About Rona.......

Minhyuk understood what she wanted to say. Without even letting Jenni finish, he nodded at her.

Yes, I did. And Seokhoon looked like he couldn't even digest what he just knew about his ex-girlfriend. But we weren't able to talk that much since Kim Hyemi arrived right before he could even reply to me. She seems to visit him in his office that often.

Rolling her eyes at what she heard, Jenni lets out a frustrated sigh.

She doesn't have to be that clingy and touchy to Seokhoon. Knowing Seokhoon, I know he wants to have his alone moment at times. She really is the biggest hindrance for Rona and Seokhoon. If it wasn't for her, maybe Rona and Seokhoon are still together or could've been married to each other already! If it wasn't for her, my bestie and Seokhoon could haven't been this miserable. Obviously, Rona and Seokhoon still loves each other until now.

Slightly tearing up, she continued.

It just hurts me a lot that even on Rona's last days, she's still miserable because she could never be with her greatest love ever again since he's already engaged to someone else. I can't help but pity my best friend a lot.

Not being able to stop her emotions anymore, she buried her face on her hands and began to cry.

She's too kind too be deserve any of this. She's too precious to have her heart broken like this. It hurts me seeing her suffer a lot and it hurts to know that she will be gone in this world for good very soon. I'm still not ready to say goodbye to her. I still want to have more hangout session and girl talks with her. I can't let her go yet. I really can't.

Minhyuk also couldn't help but cry a little as he thought of Rona being gone in few months time. But he knows that more than anyone else, it was Seokhoon who feels extremely miserable with Rona's condition. Just by his facial expression, he knows that Seokhoon wasn't just surprised. He was absolutely hurt and heartbroken about the thought of his greatest love departing from the world very soon.

Wiping her tears, Jenni looked at Minhyuk and asked him.

Where is Rona?

Seokkyung told me that they are currently on their way here. She told me that they'll arrive here in 5 minutes.

Then what about your best friend?

Hearing Jenni's question, Minhyuk bit his lips and took a deep breath before responding in his low voice

I....... I texted him to come here but I got no reply from him. Maybe he's on his lunch date with Hyemi.

Jenni sighed for the nth time and nodded in understanding.

I just hope this plan of Seokkyung will work. I hope this will really be the way for those two to meet each other once again. This is one of Rona's last wishes; to see him again even just for a little bit.

Meanwhile at the restaurant's parking area, Seokhoon quickly walked towards his car and by the time he was seated on the driver's seat, he finally broke down and cried hard. He buried his face on the steering wheel and let all of the emotions he has been feeling out at once.

Why does it have to be her? Why???????!!!!!!!

He leaned his body on his seat and covered his face in sadness and frustration while crying.

How can the world be so cruel to you and me, Rona-yah? Of all the people, why does it have to be you? All I wanted was for you to be happy and successful in life but why did you have to suffer so much? Why does it have to be a person as kind and precious as you? You don't deserve any of this. You never did.

Letting out an agonized sob, he continued.

I still can't let you go. I am not yet ready to say goodbye to you, my love. I don't want to lose you.

Just then, he felt his phone vibrate from his pocket. He had a feeling that it could be Hyemi so he ignored it and continued to cry in sadness and emotional pain.

After few moments, he felt his phone vibrate once again. Because of this, he took his phone out of his pocket and learned that it was actually Minhyuk who texted him this time. Curious about what he has to say, he opened his message.

Lee Minhyuk

Seokhoon-ah, I know you're probably out on a date with Hyemi or busy over business matters right now but can you come here at coffee shop near Serim University? Seokkyung has something important to say to you. We will be waiting for you until 3:00 pm. Also, give me a heads up if you're coming or not.

Author's note:

Will Seokhoon come or not?

Anyways, I'm so sorry for not being able to update my works yesterday because I had a very busy day. Anyways, expect another (or maybe two more) update/s for this book since this is a very short update and another update for The Game of Love today so stay tuned!

Happy reading, y'all!

Stay safe and healthy! <3

Last Farewell (A Seokrona AU) - COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant