Chapter 63: Wizard Odyssey.

Start from the beginning

(What Barnaby's Armor looks like.)

"Well it's an upgrade from the Armor you used to have." Ethan commented.

"And it's much lighter than a suit of armor." Barnaby added. "Love it!" 

"Great for you, Barnaby." Jacob said. "We're still going with our Leather Armor for now." 

Orion gave the thumbs up.

Back over by the Ministry. Ethan and Jacob could see his friends who were going. Penny, Lizzie, Jacob, Chiara, Jae, Barnaby, Talbott, Tonks, Charlie, Orion, Corey, and Rath. Along with Sickleworth who was wrapped in Jae's arms. 

"This is going to be awesome!" Corey shouted.

"This is going to be something alright." Ethan grumbled. 

"Hey who knows, maybe if I go through the Labyrinth, I can score some points for Victor." Corey added.

"That or maybe she'll just make herself even more of an embarrassment." Jae muttered to Chiara. And Chiara nodded her head. 

That was when Ryder showed up with a Portkey. "I'd say some more stuff about bravery and that sort of stuff. But we don't have time for that." He informed.

"Yeah. We are kind of on a deadline. And I'm getting to get in some field work." Tonks replied. "Road Trip!" She shouted.

"You know I think I found out why Tonks was kept in field work for so long." Penny said to Ethan as she was dressed in her own armor.

"That or she was just a force of nature waiting to be unleashed." Ethan suggested. 

"Yeah. That sounds more accurate." Penny admitted. 

That was when the door opened. And Rakepick was escorted inside in shackles by Arthur Weasley and 2 other Aurors. And Rakepick was back in her old clothes. "You gave Rakepick back her old clothes, Dad?" Charlie asked.

"I had to. We couldn't just let her go to Greece in Rags." Arthur answered. 

"He's not wrong." Rakepick added to the shear annoyance of everyone. Except for Sickleworth who was looking at Rakepick with joy at his previous owner.

"Sickleworth! Did you miss Mommy?" Rakepick asked as she scratched Sickleworth's belly. 

Lizzie walked up to Rakepick. "You. Don't talk." She ordered.

"And who are you to call the shots?" Rakepick asked.

"What did I just say?" Lizzie asked punching Rakepick in the jaw.

"That's my woman, you know." Jacob said to Rakepick while pulling Lizzie close to him.

"Lizzie, we kind of need her for this part of going to Greece." Ethan pointed out. 

"Alright, Ethan." Lizzie agreed. "But until we get to Greece." She stood over Rakepick and twisted her tongue. "And she's not allowed to flirt with the love of my life." She added.

Rakepick looked at Ryder in disbelief. Ryder just shrugged. 

But everyone got back to business. "Okay. This Portkey will take you to Greece, and in accordance to staying on theme with these things." Ryder pulled out a Greek Hoplite Shield.

"Points for staying on theme." Rath commented.

"Remember, what's important is stopping Slayton from getting his hands on what's in the Labyrinth." Ryder reminded. "But for Rakepick." He unshackled Rakepick and put some type of cuff on her right wrist. "You're only here to guide these wizards and witches to the Labyrinth. And you're not allowed to use any magic while your there. If you do this cuff will block it." Ryder informed.

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