ii. doomed reality

Start from the beginning

Echo sighed. "Well at least we have half a plan."

"That's true," Tech said. "Echo can probably hack the plans to the facility."

"I have access to Separatist plans, not the Empires. But I can try my best to access them," Echo reassured.

"Let's hope so," Hunter replied. "We better get going, who knows what will happen to her."


Omega woke up to lights blinding her once again. She was in a white room, and could feel pain in her neck. She reached up to where she felt the pain and felt a dart that had pierced her skin. She grabbed it and pulled it, and dropped it to the floor.

"Why do I keep waking up in random rooms with lights that blind me?" she asked herself.

The door suddenly opened, and she sat up. A few troopers came in, heavily armed. She recognized one.


Crosshair gestured to the other guards to shut the door. He sat at the table in front of Omega, and took his helmet off.

"Look, you saved my life," he started, "so I'll make this easy. Where are the others."

"Who are you talking about?" Omega asked.

"Don't act oblivious, you know who I'm talking about. Here let's make a deal. If you tell me, I won't kill them. But if they come here to get you before you tell me," he paused, "well I think you know how that will end."

Omega shut her eyes, conflicted on what to do. On one hand she didn't want her friends to die, on the other hand she didn't know what the empire would do to them. One option had a way out, although it would be risky.

"I would never tell you. You betrayed them. They were your brothers, and you abandoned them. So no, I won't be telling you, because god knows what you'll do to them. And they're all I have, they're all they have. Plus, I don't know."

"You know what the good thing about being a clone is?" Crosshair said. "Everyone can tell when one of us is lying. Now, you're going to tell me. Where is the rest of the bad batch."

"Crosshair, I know we haven't talked much, but do you really think my answer has changed from before?"

"Fine," he said. "You've made your choice. Prepare to say goodbye to your friends." He stood up, took his helmet, and left the room.


"So what are we going to do?" Wrecker asked. "We can't just sit here like idiots."

"Look who's talking," Tech said, rolling his eyes.

"You two need to stop it. If we're going to find omega we need to work together not against each other," Hunter said.

"We need to create a plan," Echo said. "I can access some files, however like I said before, since it's the empire and not the separatists, it'll be challenging or maybe even impossible."

Hunter sighed. "That's okay, just do what you can."

"I can access a map of this moon. That will help devise the best way to build a plan, even though this is already going to be near impossible," Tech said.

"While we wait for Echo and Tech to finish-" Hunter started to say.

"I'm listening," Echo interrupted.

"I, on the other hand, am not," Tech added.

"We can't waste anymore time so Tech you better listen. I have the foundation of a plan. We'll land on a nearby island."

Echo rolled his eyes. "But that directly contradicts what Cid said by landing far from the island."

"Just wait a second," Hunter said. "Due to the fact that this mission is nearly impossible, it'll be difficult to get out of there with no injuries. Therefore, if one of us is in critical condition, it will be easier to get back to the ship. We then use the boat she gave us to get to the facility. Everyone is coming. Then we'll split up, but still be in close proximity with each other. This is so we won't be easy targets. Then Echo and I will go try to find Omega, and Tech and Wrecker will stay by the boat."

"What am I doing?" Tech asked, taking his helmet off.

"I'm not repeating myself. I told you to listen."

"Well too bad, I didn't."

"Okay, wait a second," Echo said. "This isn't going to work."

"Why?" Hunter asked.

"Listen. Tech is a weak smart-ass, and Wrecker is a strong dumbass. They're going to kill each other if they stay together. Plus, Wrecker is better to have on the battlefield."

"Well that's just the way it's going to have to be. This plan can't fail," Hunter said.

"I got a map," Tech stated. "There's an island near the facility."

"Then will this plan work?" Wrecker asked.

"I guess so," Tech replied.

Echo however, was hesitant. "And what if Crosshair is there?"

"He won't kill us. He'll probably try to fill our brains with some empire propaganda before he gets the chance," Hunter said.

"They didn't take Omegas' communication device," Tech said.

"So we can track her?" Wrecker said.

"Yes, and considering this is a large facility, this will help. A lot."

"Which leaves one part of the plan missing," Echo said.

"And what's that?" Hunter asked.

"How are we going to get in?"

"Well," Hunter started, "I could act like a prisoner. I guess that could work."

"And what about Echo?" Tech asked. "It wouldn't be realistic to have two unguarded prisoners. It just doesn't make sense. So maybe Echo could-"

"Tech stop rambling," Hunter said, concentrated deep within his own thoughts, "I have an idea."

"Do you have a better plan?"

"Tech no one was listening to you."

"Echo was. Right, Echo?"


Tech rolled his eyes and finally gave into Hunter. "So what's this grand plan?"

"Most of the workers there are droids. Echo is already ninety percent machine-"

Echo's eyes got wide. "Hunter, if I'm thinking the same thing as you right now, that's a no," Echo protested.

Hunter continued like Echo had said nothing.

"So Echo, you still got that droid disguise?"

"Not happening. Last time I wore that shit I almost got killed."

Hunter sighed. "I'm sorry Echo, but this is the only way. Like I said earlier this mission can't fail. This could mean life or death, not only for Omega but for us too."

"Okay fine, I'll wear it. But you owe me one, all of you do."

"Thank you," Hunter said. "Now, it's time to go rescue Omega."


word count: 1507

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