6 | Can You Keep a Secret?

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You watch in a distant daydream behind the paned glass, fixated on the blossoming trees rustling amongst the gentle breeze, stolen away by each leaf that drifts side to side. You've tuned out your perky teacher, oblivious to her energetic words of motivation as she runs through an assignment.

However, the sudden slam of her coffee mug landing against her desk snaps you straight out of your stupor. "...And make sure you hand in those slips on your way out." Mrs Gregory continues, only half her sentence storing a place in your ears. "Have a nice lunch!" She then beams, the class responding with great difficulty to mirror her enthusiasm. You whirl your gaze back to the front of the room at that, checking the clock to see that class is in fact finished. And not wanting to waste any more time, you pack up your things and swing your bag over your shoulder, strolling out of class behind your many other classmates.

When you finally make it to the cafeteria, you're surprised you don't see your friends at the usual table, the four empty seats looking rather sad and dismal in the far corner. You assume Hana's at basketball club. Emi, however, you remain unsure of.

You take a seat anyway, not caring if you might look like a loner to some, their opinion isn't exactly your problem. And You don't mind it, actually; sometimes it's nice to eat in peace, to be alone once in a while. Maybe you'll even listen to a bit of music...

"Excuse me," a smooth voice sneaks up from your right. You glance up, but not quite far enough when you realise how tall they stand. Craning your neck up a little higher, you're met with a male's gentle smile whose dark curls match his soft, brown eyes. "You mind if I sit?"

Surprised, but not exactly opposed, you nod and offer a polite smile. "Sure, not at all."

He takes the seat directly across from you, and you notice he doesn't have any food with him...or anything really. Not even a book or some work. But that doesn't stop you from beginning to take out your own lunch like usual.

"I'm Riku, Y/N right?" He speaks up, leaning back in his chair as he eyes you somewhat curiously.

You're not sure how to react, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel a little caught off guard, and you worry it's a little too obvious in your current expression. "Um yeah, how'd you know?" You finally say.

"I listen around..." you nod with confusion at his vague words, unsure of what he could  possibly mean by that, "How come you were sat on your own?"

You chuckle lightly at his odd question, "How come you're sitting with me?" You retort playfully.

He laughs at that, "Fair point."

Settling with a smile, you prepare to take a bite of your sandwich before realising that may seem rude, "Is there something you need?" You ask honestly, still a little unsure of his spontaneous intrusion.

"Well, I'm friends with Hana, so I guess I just wanted to introduce myself."

"Oh." You falter your gaze back to him, a little bashful as you finally recognise the name. He's in the basketball club too, he probably sees her in the gym all the time since they have to share. "I'm sorry. Does it help if I say you looked familiar?"

He laughs as his smile slips into a playful one, "Depends if your only saying that for the sake of my feelings."

"Ah, your right. No point in lying then." you joke along.

"Y/N." A cold and eerily serious voice interrupts, your laugh falling flat. You recognise it immediately and feel your stomach swirl a little. You honestly don't know if it's out of nervousness or a swish of butterflies, maybe even both considering all that's occurred recently.

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