Chapter 5: School, yay?

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Marinette woke with a jolt.

"Another nightmare" she whispered to herself. She didn't sleep too much nowadays, but when she did, she was haunted with the same nightmare. Darkness, a long dark tunnel of endless darkness, with a pinprick of light at the end, but everytime she reached towards it, if would disappear like it was never there. So sleep became a rare thing, but fear kept her wide awake. Her mental health was slowly deteriorating, and this was not healthy at all. She sighed.

"Get a grip Marinette, it's just a nightmare." She scolded to herself, and got ready for the day. She had to attend school in China as part of the trip experience, she wondered, maybe her old friends remembered her? She even had the uniform! But she didn't get her hopes up. Excitement leads to disappointment, she reminded herself, and she had to keep a tight lid on those negative emotions. She put on her uniform, pinned her long dark hair half up and left the rest out, the natural waves resting on her back.

 She put on her uniform, pinned her long dark hair half up and left the rest out, the natural waves resting on her back

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She grabbed her backpack walked to the dining room, where her brother and mother were already sat.

They are now speaking in Traditional Chinese

" Good morning dear, did you sleep alright? " her mother asked, the bags visible under her eyes. Marinette smiled,

" I should be asking that to you " and gave her a hug. She walked past her brother, ruffling his already messy hair and sat down next to him.

"Going to school sis?" He asked, smiling. Somehow he looked even handsomer than usual, his messy brown 'just gotten out of bed' hair falling in front of his eyes in just the right way to contrast his golden brown eyes. She chuckled,

"Won't it be interesting, think anyone remembers me?" She asked almost nervously.

"Course they will! Can't exactly forget that blue hair can they" he said teasingly.

"What do you have against blue hair!" She and her mother shouted at once, making Marin fall out of his chair.

"Nothing! Nothing my dear bluenettes!" He laughed out, Marinette and her mother joining in too.

"Ah well," Marin started, "better get going, I'm dropping my lil' sis to school myself today" he said, as if he were a proud mother.

"Marin! I'm not 5!" She said, sounding exasperated.

"No excuses!"

And in the end she was sitting next to Marin in one of their limos while Ai Zhen was driving. When they finally arrived, she wasn't sure what to feel. Nervous, happy, scared, nothing seemed to identify with what she felt like.

"School hasn't changed too much since you left I suppose. There are a couple new classes now though, and of course there is all the new gossip yet to catch up on. " Marin said, amused. "Oh, and no funny business." he said as he spotted Kai walking up to them, the smallest of frowns on his face. Marinette chuckled,

"See you later Wei" she chuckled as she kissed his cheek and walked of, as he got back in the car and drove of. Just as the car had zoomed out of view, she spotted the bus carrying her class approaching. She sighed, God really had it in for her didn't he. Suddenly, she felt a hand reach out and touch her shoulder. Reflex kicking in, she immediately tensed, pulled the hand and locked it by the elbow as a move of defence. As Marinette saw who it was she dropped it like hot coal, 

"Kai! I'm so sorry! Are you ok? I didn't realise- My reflexes" she started rambling,

"Hey hey hey, it's ok," he smiled, calming her down a bit, "you've gotten stronger you know, maybe you could actually beat in a fight sometime." he teased.

"You wouldn't stand a chance against me" she said with a smile on her face, nudging him playfully. He put his hand on her head lovingly as they laughed. It almost felt like old times really. When they were small and used to run around the Palace playing hide and seek in the curtains, hiding from her older brother and laughing about it afterwards.

"Hey so what have you got first? I-


"Of course! I would never lie to you" she said with a smile as fake as Marin's relationship with Alison Wong back when he was 15, yeahh long story.

Of freaking course. Just when she had got them out of her mind they come crashing in like a tsunami, overtaking her thoughts and capturing her mind. She could feel her demeanour shrink a bit, but what she did was not under her control anymore, it was as if her body had a mind of its own around them.

Kai's POV

Something's definitely up with Mei, but I don't know what. Shes hiding something from me. I noticed as her posture shrank a bit, her face falling, that look in her eyes that I'd never seen in them before, as if reliving a bad memory.

Her reflexes had gotten sharper, her moves more aggressive. It was obvious that she'd kept up well with her training, but there was something about her fighting style that normal training couldn't have given her. Did something happen in Paris? And why doesn't she want to tell me?

"I think we should get to class." Mei said calmly, but I could tell in her head she was definitely anything but calm.

"Hey Marinette! What are you doing over there? Don't you want to come say hi?" they shouted, with an expression I can only describe as a sneer. That's when the bell rang to signal school started.


I'm FINE. I'm fine! Yeah. I'm fine. Why would you even ask? I'm more than  fine! Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.


979 words

Hey guys! long time no see! so yh I found time and decided, 'why not write something, it's been a while!'

for any of you reading thank you soooo much for choosing this book to give ur time to and I hope you enjoyed. I'm going tontry to give this book a little more but sadly no promises.

Pls vote, share and pls pls pls comment your thoughts! dont be a silent reader! I do genuinely love reading them. Stay Safe❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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