5. The Bag

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Megan's POV
Same Day 

So, after all of that, once the guest arrived and settled in, we started playing music and opening gifts. One of the gifts was a family heirloom—from my mom—it was my great great great grandmother's diamond necklace. I cried and hugged Nanny and had Jorden help me put it on.

Once we had finished opening gifts if was time to eat. Since Pardi cooked me a big breakfast this morning I wasn't hungry. And so I got kinda bored. BUT THEN my dumb ass forgot about the whole purse thing.

That's when I noticed Pardi wasn't sitting at the table anymore. I figured he had already made his way to the dressing room, so I followed suit. I never noticed two things.
1. I've had the purse on since he gave it to me
2. The password was four numbers

So that made me start thinking the code has relevance. So it's probably a date. I tried my birthday-0215- didn't work. I really didn't feel like guessing anymore and wanted to know why he wanted me to come to his dressing room, also why there was a lock on the bag.

When I finally got to his room, I knocked on the door and he let me in.

"Hi Mrs. Thrope-Pete." He said to me making me blush. "Hi baby." I responded.

"I take it you want to know the code." I nodded. "I mean you know me. You know I'm not going to just flat out give it to you. I'm going to make you use that big, beautiful brain you have"

"Okay I'm ready. Lay it on me."

"Pull up your calendar." I pulled it up on my phone. 

"When was the last time we had sex?"

"Hm, about a week ago."

"What was that date?" I looked it up in my calendar. "8/4"

"Now add 8 months and then add one more month." "5/4?"

"Try it."

I put the numbers in as 0504 and the lock popped. I slowly removed the lock and began to open the compartment. There was this long bracelet jewelry box. I hesitated to open it at first. I looked at my husband and he sat now next to me as if I needed support. I got confused. If it was just a bracelet why did he come sit next to me.

After about two or three more minutes of self-forced anticipation, I finally brought my self to open it.

It was a pregnancy test. It was in the box faced down so I couldn't see the results. I looked at Pardi with confusion. All he said was "Yes baby it's your test." while rubbing my back.

When I flipped it over I all about lost my mind. I am Pregnant? Me. Tina Snow. True player foreal, Fuck a fuckboy foreal.

I let out the loudest excitement shriek I could. I've always wanted kids. I consider Jordy to be my daughter. I'm telling y'all I love this man so goddamn much. When we go home, I'm going to buss this pussy wide like ten-to-two.

Just then out of nowhere a familiar voice came from behind us "Oh wow shorty, you really married this clown ass nigga." I turned around to see it was Dave, who was holding two guns, one pointed at me, and one pointed at Pardi. The way I was sitting, and the way Dave was standing he couldn't see my phone in my hand. I knew I had to make a diversion to distract Dave in order to be able to pull my taser out and handle the situation, without notifying the guest. This right here happened in all of 3 minutes~

I opened me, Daren, Queenie, and Jaeliey's group chat that I had made for the bridesmaids and the wedding, and I texted them "Dave East is n me nd Bby rm with guns 2 our heds. Com bang on dor nd act loud."

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