"..i saw red orbs this time in the bush ...but they were not ...how should i put it....not scary like not bothersome just like the one's that i have been seeing"
taehyung frowned ,its true he didn't felt scared like he usually would , but not horrifying like last time it made him sick ,it was rather uneasiness.

"..well that's odd i thought-....leave it ! we'll take a good sleep ,cuddle and then eat we'll be fine ...i know you get dizzy when you experience these things"
yoongie smiled at his brother ,who was looking as if he would pass out at any moment.

taehyung gave his brother his boxy smile which the elder adored as well as the others ,yoongie chuckled giving his baby brother a small hug before taking his hand and walked where the other students and the boys went.

after few minutes the two boys reached where their school students and teachers where standing completely clueless about the two boys being away for a while ,they both scoffed at the lack of interest of his members but stopped and looked at the giant iron gates that everyone was looking at ,

taehyung gaped at the iron door looking as if they were from an old ancient movie ,the gates were gigantic in size almost as tall as the trees ,they were rusty yet beautifully new ,a bit dusty yet awfully  shiny .

the gates opened slowly with a slight creaking sound giving the view of a big old hotel ,there were plants or mostly white flowers at every corner of it giving it some sort gloomy vibes ,the old hotel walls had cracks from which beautiful white flowers bloomed ,the hotel was almost like a castle from Disney movies but old and dark in color,it was giving dark and white vibe with those white flowers and its color ,on the entrance of the hotel its name was written in bold shiny golden words and its borders were decorated with same white flowers ,chrysanthemum .

taehyung came out of his mesmerizing daze by a tight hug ,he looked at the person who interrupted him only to find jin bolling his eyes out,

"yah!! yoongi where did you take taetae!!? ..you cold hearted kitty my taetae kidnapper!! ...my baby must be scared..huh"

"don't call me that!!"

"or what kitty cat!!"

"shut it old man or else ill chock slam you!!"



taehyung rolled his eyes at his dramatic hyungs and pushed the elder a bit so he could breath ,he then stood between the raging elders separating their hands away from each others hair ."hyung ...hyungie ..yoongi didn't kidnap me ...we were just left behind!! ..stop!!"

taehyung quickly stopped both from getting into a fight with others help because their fight is not a normal fight like the smaller ones ,its like a war between two country ,one jin the mighty  elder with his weapon a pink spatula ,and then there is yoongi with his tongue  technology ,both are elders of the group so its hard for youngest to control them,they either stay away or get beaten up while stopping them....so you can guess the result wont be nice at all .

"..you all must be very tired after three hours long ride ..the maids are assigned to take you to your respectful rooms ...take a short break then we'll start a tour ....and one thing do not touch and go anywhere without my permission ...until than have a nice rest"

the cold shallow voice of the owner boomed as the man stepped inside the hotel not bothering to glance anyone ,he motioned the maids who started to tell students the way towards their rooms.
while gesturing the maids Taehyung swear he saw that old man looking at their group a little longer then intended to do and then stepped inside the hotel as if nothing happened.

Taehyung shrugged it off focused on the maid that came towards their group.her skin was quit paler then a normal skin would be ,her eyes hold nothing not a single glint of life ,she had a stoic face yet a person can tell her beauty ,she had bags under her eyes ,she looked almost dead..but beautifully dead.

"hello ...my nam is hwasa ...i am your maid for the time being...I'll show you your rooms..please follow me.. " her voice was broken and distinct but if some one listen closely they can hear a smoothness with in her voice that was buried under this broken tone.

the boys followed hwasa in the same manner the other students followed their respected maids ,the students were divided in three groups ,the one was the seven boys and couldn't be separated ,and other two were the other students ,the teachers were also taken to their rooms so they could rest but not before checking on every student.

Taehyung release a stiffed sigh as he fell on a king sized bed exhausted ,he felt other presence in his room, not long before two of the trouble makers jumped on the bed as well making taehyung grunt on pain due to sudden weight on him .

this room actually given to Taehyung ,jungkook and yoongi according to hawasa  ,next to them was other two rooms which was given to the remaining boys ,taehyung room was quit big that the others could easily sleep in it with out discomfort ...and that's what they were doing ,they busted into Taehyung's room making themselves comfortable there ,

taehyung didn't said anything to them all of them because he knew damn well that not one of them will be staying away in different rooms when they are away from their actual dorm or home ,the boys have always been together and no one could separate them .

not even the hotel manager..

taehyung sleepily looked at jimin who was top of him resting his head on his chest snuggling close to him. he looked at his right to find jungkook sleeping soundly clutching on his hands.He smiled before closing his eyes instantly drifting to dreamland listening to his hyungs hushed voices who were discussing about the hotel trip and yoongi telling them about what happened earlier in the forest making the hyung looked at the sleeping boy worried who snuggled close to jimin and jungkook.

"...lets not think to much its just a trip of a hotel ...what could go wrong?..."

if only they knew..

hope you enjoyed
keep reading for what yet to come 😈

Hotel Of Dead (Chrysanthemum)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن