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After a small detour to the apartment, Izuku and Y/n now have Aizawa's car, with permission this time. The two sit in silence until Y/n looks to Izuku, "Are...are you nervous?"

The green haired boy nodded as he laid his head back against the seat. "What if I mess up and she ends up hating me."

Y/n looks at Izuku sadly, "Hey don't say that, she is gonna love you. She loves everyone...well almost everyone." She says the last part under her breath.

Midoriya smiles as he holds one of Y/n's hands, "Well that's reassuring."

Y/n turned the car into a driveway infront of an old looking home. Y/n took a deep breath as she parked the car and unbuckled. Izuku heard Y/n's unsteady breath and turned to her, "Wait are you nervous?"

Y/n kept her eyes forward as she took another deep breath, "I'm fucking terrified."

The love of a grandparent is supposed to be one that never changes. One that should be unconditional. Y/n's grandmother had always seemed to despise Y/n no matter how hard she tried to please her, it never worked. She always seemed to disapoint the older woman.

"You said she loved everyone though?" Izuku asked as the two walked up to the house.

"Ah ah ah I said almost everyone, the exception."

Before Y/n could knock the door suddenly swung open, revealing a lady in her eighties. Izuku and Y/n immediatley bowed their heads.

"Aw my Y/n dear look at you, grown up." Y/n's grandmother said with a bitter smile on her face. "Oh and Midoriya right?"

"Uh you can just call me Deku."
Grandmother smiled as she let the two teens into the home. Y/n gently grabbed Izuku's hand and led him to the table.

As they sar down Y/n leaned over, "Hey, if uh anything happens, just uh don't say anything."


Y/n's grandmother smiled as she sat at the table, giving the two a plate of food. The old woman smiled at Y/n, "So dear, you started school again?"

Y/n nodded as she swallowed her bite of food, "Yes ma'am."

"Oh I'm so glad, you know you need as much help as you need. You never a bright child."

Izuku's eyes widened as he looked to Y/n who said nothing but looked at the meal in front of her. Her grandmother looked to Izuku and back to Y/n, "And I hear this one is pretty smart himself. Suprised he chose you, in all honesty he probably didn't have a choice. Did he?"

"He had a choice-"

The old woman's smile turned to a scowl, "Do not lie to me in my own home."

"No ma'am he-"

Izuku interupted glaring at Y/n's grandmother, "I did have a choice thank you very much."

The woman looked to Izuku and back to Y/n, "Pathetic. You can't even speak for yourself. You know when you were born, your father told me you were going to bring greatness to our family name."

Y/n looked into her grandmothers eyes while she continued, "I could only hope he was right, seeing as your mother was an amazing sniper and your father being a lawyer, you were destined to be amazing. Now you're a killer who sells her body to get rides to different countries."

Izuku's eyes widened in anger, "Excuse me!? Never once-"

Y/n interupted him as she stared directly into the woman's eyes, "Never once have I sold my body for a plane ride. Sure I've been in meaningless relationship's, relationships where I've only used their family connections. But never once did I ever sell my body."

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