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"I don't have one."

Midoriya was shocked. Surely a Villian would have a quirk. "None!? Like not even to help you aim!?"

Y/n shook her head no and smirked. "Wow!"

Midoriya continues to write in his notebook when the bell rings. "HELLOOOO CLASS! IT'S ME PRESENT MIC!" All of the teens cover their ears and wince when the teacher walks into the classroom. English was a rather easy class for Y/n. Midoriya on the other hand, was struggling. Y/n quickly filled out the sheet of basic English, but looking at Midoriya, you would think it was morse code.

"You struggling over there?" Y/n leans over to Modoroya's desk.

"uh yeah I am." The boy blushes and scratches the back of his neck.

Y/n point her pen at his paper, "Your comma goes here not here, the apostrophe is right though."

Midoriya quickly corrects his mistake and looks over his paper. " Thanks L/n-san."

"No problem."

"Hey L/n how many languages do you speak." Kaminari asked from behind Y/n

"10 or so why?"

The electric blonde smiled and sarted bouncing up and down, "Can you teach me? Please?"

Y/n looked from Kaminari to Midoriya, "Hate to break this to you, but in order to learna new language, you have to know your first."

Kaminari gasped with fake hurt, "You didn't have to expose me like that."

Y/n chuckled lightly, "I can try to teach you."

The blonde smiled again, "Alright Kaminari, first thing is, 'Privet' which is hello in Russian."


"Alright next is 'privet, ya Denki Kaminari'"

"privet, ya Denki Kaminari. Which is hello I'm Denki Kaminari?"

Y/n nodded her head as the students continued to study english. Y/n occasionally checked on Midoriya to make sure he didn't need help. The bell dismissing class finally rang. Y/n stood up and cleaned off her desk.

"H-h-hey L/n-san can I get your phone n-n-number. I-i-incase I need help w-w-with english." Midoriya was looking down at his fingers with a bright blush on his face.

"I don't see why not." Y/n handed Midoriya her phone so her could add himself to her contacts.

Y/n looked over at Midoriya who had finished putting his phone number in. "T-thank you."

Y/n nodded her head as she slung her bag over her shoulder, "See you tomorrow Midoriya."

Y/n made a detour to home room where she saw Aizawa getting ready to leave the classroom. "Hey are you gonna be home late tonight again?"

Aizawa said nothing and just nodded his head, "Alright, I'm gonna get takeout so I'll put leftovers in the fridge for you."

Midoriya left the classroom still in shock by what happened. He just got a girls phone number. "Sooo Deku-kun~ you and L/n." Uraraka wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Izuku quickly put his hands up.

"N-n-no no no w-w-we're just friends."

Mina walks by Uraraka, inserting herslef into the conversation, "Mhm sure, just friends."

Midoriya looked at his feet now the same shade as a tomato.

"No offense Midoriya, but I don't take L/n-san as someone to engage in a romantic relationship." Iida siad pushing up his glasses.

"Thanks Iida, way to ruin the mood." Uraraka pouted while crossing her arms. The students were now infront of the school, ready to walk home.

"Ha, like Deku can get a girlfriend!" Bakugo laughed as he walked down the street.

Y/n walked into a little ramen place and walked straight up to the counter, "Hello, can I get two of the cold soba's?" The chashier just nodded his head "Thank you."

Y/n walked over to an epty seat by the door while she waited for her food. Her phone buzzed while she waited. She grabbed it out of her blazer pocket and checked who it was.

Hii this is midoriya

Thought I should should message you to make sure you would know who it was :)

Hey midoriya

The waiter called Y/n's name and she slipped her phone back into her pocket. She bows and takes the food quickly. Putting the takeout bag in one hand while stuffing the other one into her pocket. She walks through the streets of Matsufatsu, staring at the bright light's and bustling people. Y/n walks closer to a building as the streets get busier, walking in the shadows by the people walking home from work and school.

Y/n finally arrives at the apartment building. After unlocking the door she goes in and takes off her shoes. Walking to the kitchen she sets the take out bag on the counter. Y/n takes Aizawa's soba out of the bag and puts it in the refrigerator,before sitting down to eat hers.

Y/n's life had improved so much since she moved in with Aizawa. She started eating regularly, sleeping normally, hell even showering normally. When she was on her own, she only ate with whatever money she could scavenge. Sleeping wasn't easy either, finding random roofs, or couch hopping depending on what country she was in.

Y/n finished her dinner and quickly cleaned up before getting in the shower. She quickly scrubbed her slightly tangled hair. After washing the rest of herself, Y/n threw on a pair of f/c shorts and a matching f/c t-shirt. She walks over to her dresser grabbing her hairbrush as she walk over to her bed. She plops down onto her bed after brushing her hair, grabbing her phone and earbuds she plays music while studying work from the school day.

Hey L/n, I was working on homework and realised I need some help.
Would you mind helping me?

Do you wanna call so it's easier?


Y/n's phone rang after she messaged Midoriya. "Hi L/n-san!" Y/n heard Midoriya say from the other end of the line. "Hey Midoriya, you know you can call me Y/n right? You don't have to be so formal."

"Oh a-alright." Y/n left her earbuds plugged in while on the phone with Midoriya. The two studied english and math for a while, before Midoriya got quiet. "Midoriya? You there?" Y/n heard light snores from the other side.

Y/n quickly put away her homework and waited a few minutes for midoriya to wake up, when he didn't Y/n messaged him before hanging up.

Sweet dreams broccoli :)

Y/n hung up the call and heard the door shut. Quckly standing up, she peeked out of her bedroom door and saw Aizawa walking in the apartment. "Hey food is in the fridge."

Aizawa looked down the hall to see Y/n, "Kid, go to bed it's 11 o'clock."

Y/n just nodded her head and climbed under the covers before slowly dozing.

~Sharp Shooter~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ