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The two walked throught the building and Y/n waved at a few people, "Here I wanna introduce you to a couple people."

Y/n held Midoriya's hand as she walked towards the bar in the corner, "This is my child hood friend, Rocco."

The bartender looked up from hearing his name and waved, "Oh Sharp who's this?"

Midoriya waved, "This is my boyfriend, Izuku Midoriya."

"Nice to meet you Midoriya."

"You too Rocco."

The blue haired boy leaned towards Y/n, "And he's respectful, nice catch."

A light blush lit up Izuku's face as Y/n sat down. Rocco slid a glass towards Y/n. As Y/n put her hand out Midoriya grabbed the glass quickly pulling it away from her, "You have one rule, no drinks till nine."

Y/n smirked as she leaned over to kiss Izuku and quickly grabbed the drink while he was in shock. She took the caramel liquid down in one shot before licking her lips.

"Mm Izuku with a shot of whiskey, my new favorite."

"Ew can you stop Y/n?" Glitch's voice rang through Y/n's ear. She laughed as a person approached her, her demeanor quickly changing to one very defensive.

"Well well well Miss Sharp, we knew you were a power hungry whore but, a hero? That's new."

"Hello Seo."

The korean newcomer looked to Izuku, "Now this one, what did she do to trick you? Money, power, drugs maybe?"

"Not all of us need bribed, Miss Seo Jung."

Seo quirked a brow at Midoriya, "Oh so you do know who I am?"

"I know you're a Yakuza, a powerful on at that, but not anywhere near as powerful as Kiara."

Glitch snickered as they listened to Midoriya, "He did his research."

"Of course he did he's a nerd." Bakugo said throwing a card on the table.

"You have a green?" Samirah asked looking to Denki.

"Nah go fish."

"So Kiara you're a Yakuza?" Sero asked while looking at his cards.

"I was for a while before me and my brother joined Y/n, Sam, and Glitch."

"You have a brother, where is he?" Sero asked looking around the room.

"He uh was killed a few years ago."

"I'm so sorry how did it happen, if you don't mind me asking."


Kiara knelt by the door as she examined the many wires along the frame, "I think it's wired to blow up if she opens it"

Glitch looked closer at the wires, "This one will electrocute her, this one will blow up and this one release chloroform."

"Well theres gotta be one that opens it?" Micah said as he flicked one of the wires on the door. He looked around the door frame for another wire.

"Here this one." The silver haired teen pointed to the loose wire.

"That one will alert Hinu when the door opens." Glitch said while glitching out the wire. "We have maybe five minutes tops."

Samirah used her quirk to disguise herself  to looking like Y/n, "I guess we better hurry then huh?"

Kiara grabbed a knife from the sheath on her hip and carefully sliced through the wires. When the four wires were cut, the four ran in the room to see Y/n cleaning weapons. The girl quickly dropped the object and leapt into Micah's arms.

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