Chapter 3: The Magic Ball

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It was three days later. Natsu, me and Happy had completed our job as we met back up with Laxus. It turns out that on the seven year time skip we had our Lacrima TV, our Lacrima Stove, our Lacrima fridge, and our Lacrima microwave stop working. So we had to find a way to get us a new product of those three items. We had just went to Magnolia's normal furniture and appliances store as we notice how much the prices of furniture was. We had just enough money to buy all three. But, no money left for food. We soon met with the owner known as Brayden Frisco. It turned out that he and his brother, Tom who runs one of the markets was a huge fan of me. I gave them my autograph as they stated that they saved money up for me over the seven years, hoping I would return. He then stated he saved us up 7,000 jewel for in store purchases as well as 3,000 jewel for out of store purchases. We told the guys we would love to use our saved up jewel for in store purchases, for the appliances we wanted to buy. Which knocked each of the product to our price range. Which we had under a 153,000 jewel. It was nice because we spent 60,000 on a stove, 50,000 on a fridge, 25,000 on a microwave. Which left us with 18,000 left. Which ment we had 3,000 jewel for in store purchases left. Which we actually had 21,000 jewel left. Which ment we had plenty of money to get us food, and lend some cash over to the guild. Which is what we did. We spent 15,000 jewel on food that I could simply cook, and 5,000 on the guild. We had only 3,000 jewel left and decided to keep some just in case of emergency. Me, Laxus and, Natsu split the three thousand. I got a thousand, Laxus got a thousand, and Natsu and Happy got the rest. We also found out that the boys who saved money for us ended up making us some stools for the guild. I told Natsu to go get, Elfman, Gajeel, and Gray. He asked why, and I told him that we needed them to bring the new stools to the guild. He understood as he and Happy left. Laxus and me soon brought our furniture back to our house. We quickly put our new appliances in and I then quickly changed. I wore a f/c crop top and a black skort. I also had on my normal black ankle boots with my f/c cat knee high stockings. We returned to the guild. This morning, I had said good morning to the guild and walked over beside Natsu. He was looking at the job request board.

"So what kind of jobs are there?" I asked as I looked at one of the flyers.
"Hey how about we give this job a try!" Happy stated as he handed Natsu and me a flyer. We looked at it as it offered 4,000,000 million jewel to capture some guy. I gasped in excitement.
"Look at that reward! We would have plenty of money for the next 5 months! We could simply get me another alarm clock, a new Lacrima Tv, replace the other appliances in the house, and help redecorate the guild!" I exclaimed with a smile.
"Sounds good to me!" Natsu stated with a smile.
"I'm broke and that sounds good to me." Lucy stated from behind.
"I totally forgot we have a team." I sighed as my excitement saddened.
"Don't worry we can keep a million jewel and split the rest with our team." Natsu stated.
"Sounds good to me!" I exclaimed with a smile. Macao stated that some Count guy was throwing a big Magic Ball and the escaped convict would possibly be there.
"Great let's go crash this guys party and catch this guy!" Natsu exclaimed as Happy and him soon begin to leave.
"Wait. I just realized something you guys." I stated as I turned around and looked at the boys. I then continued, "If we're going to this Magic ball, we should really work on our dancing skills. Don't you think?"
"Our dance moves!? " Natsu exclaimed.
"Yeah." Lucy added.
"Don't tell me your afraid to dance with my sister, Natsu." Laxus stated as he placed his arm on my shoulder.
"Umm. Well maybe a little." Natsu stated in fear.
"Jeez! You two are dumber than a bunch of rocks!" Laxus laughed talking about Natsu and Happy.
"Be nice." I stated as I looked up at Laxus.
"Sorry." He laughed.
"What he ment to say is, I'm actually a really good dancer." I giggled.
"Really?!" Happy and Natsu exclaimed.
"Yep." I stated with a smile.
"Yeah. She's actually pretty good." Laxus chuckled.
"Now come on you two. I can show you how to dance." I yelled as I ran outside as they followed.

"Do we really have to dance?" Natsu whined.
"Oh come here and give me your hands. I'm going to show you the basic movements to dance." I stated with a smile holding my hands out.
"Fine! God this is so embarrassing." Natsu whined as he walked forward and grabbed my hand. We soon begin to dance slowly.
"I don't understand this at all. What are they doing again?" Romeo asked as he watched Natsu and me.
"It's called Ball room dancing. Apparently Y/n is an amazing dancer. I didn't know she took dance lessons." Happy explained.
"It's super weird. What's it for?" Romeo asked as Natsu soon stepped on my foot.
"Oww!" I whined.
"Sorry, Y/n." Natsu stated with a little bit of worry.
"I can't even believe the weight of your foot actually went through my boot!" I whined.
"Y/n! Please forgive me!" Natsu exclaimed as he tried making sure I was okay.
"I know it was on accident. It's okay, Natsu." I stated with a smile as Romeo soon got my attention.
"So it's some kind of foot stomping game?" Romeo asked.
"No. It's more than that. If you can find a stranger at a ball, then you can move your body in perfect harmony with them." Mira stated.
"That sounds cool!" Romeo and Kinana stated.
"Hey what are you two doing over here! Playing some game or something." Gray yelled walking over to us.
"It isn't a game! Ice stripper!" I growled.
"Let me try!" Gray stated as he grabbed my hand and tried to dance with me.
"Your disqualified!" I yelled as I kicked him.
"That's my girl." Natsu stated as Laxus kept laughing.
"Calm down, bro." I sighed as Juvia soon came out of the guild. Natsu and I then continued to dance as Erza walked out of the guild.

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