Don't worry I won't make you do push ups!!

Push your hands against a wall and hold your weight like that for 45 seconds-1 minute if you want a challenge

Do 30-100 arm circles

Create "C's" with your arms until you can't do it anymore.

Do Star Jumps without moving your legs (lifting arms up and down.) 30-50x.

Do arm flaps 20-40x.

Hold a handstand against a wall for 1-5 minutes.

Don't push yourself otherwise you might hurt yourself!

Exercises to tone legs: (Optional)

Wall sit 1-10 minutes

Lifting your leg up and down (without hands, you may hold a table to keep balance.) 30-50 each leg.

Running/Jogging/Jogging on the spot

Side Leg lifts- 30-100x each leg

Front leg lifts (also good for core strengthening) 30-100x

Do straight kicks (Make sure when you bring your leg down you bend your knee and then place your foot down... that's what they do in Taekwondo and many other martial arts.)

To conclude this lesson we will have a look at one more video where Ahsoka shines in her fighting (without sabers):

Things to take recognition of:

The way she lands at the beginning when she jumps in the base.

Watch how she delivers the punch to the victim, and the way that she blocks his punch first. She kicks the pike into another pike so when you do this you don't have to necessarily kick the same side she kicks on because there might be someone else on the other side for you, so it's not a replica of how she fights in that scene but a replica of the way she fights, so you don't have to do it exactly the same. So to summarise kick to the side that will deliver the best blow to others. (if that makes sense, i'm not too good at explaining!!) 

You might also want to watch how she dodges the pikes grapple then grabs the pikes punch with both hands and slides under him planting her feet on his back, then using it as support to kick the other one in front of her. Now this move/fight might be difficult to do if you have no one to do it with which is why to be helpful I will break down the fight into how you would do it without anyone else doing it with you. Even if you have someone it is important to look at the steps as they break down the fight scene for you.

Step 1: Do a small jump, land how she landed in the beginning (don't forget she had her hand out.) 

Step 2: Do an upper block and punch the air twice, then pretend to kick someone (or a pike) to the side into someone else. 

Step 3: She get's hit here but you don't need to, or you can pretend, then she does some sort of upper punch (it helps to watch in slow motion) and when the other pike comes to attack her she seems to step on his toe, spin around, and then elbow him, then from there the pattern is punch, punch, hook, punch

Step 4: This one someone pulls down on her back lekku tail. Now this step relies on arm strength again because kind of like black widows signature move she pushes herself up by bending her back slightly and with her arms pushing herself up again. Ahsoka pushes her legs a little moving the weight to her arms, then pushing her weight with her arms, so she can quickly get back up. This may look easy in movies but it's actually really hard, i'm still learning it myself, but I know the structure. As she get's up unlike black widow she kicks her legs over and as she's getting up kicks the pike who pulled her down before. 

Step 5: After getting hit a little and dodging a few strikes by ducking etc, she goes to head-but a pike (she misses, but still good to take in.) Then one goes for a hook, she ducks and he misses, she then get's kicked into a control desk, and uses the desk/control panel as support to kick a pike back, and she actually delivers a pretty strong blow as he pretty much goes flying to the ground. The other pike then comes a long and attempts to attack her, but she spins out of the way, ducks, pushes her hands up and trips him, and when he falls she lands one final blow  by lifting her leg up high and then planting it hard on his chest, knocking the pike unconscious. 

Also watch how she has her hands held up to her cheeks always! If you lower them the opponent can get a good hit out of you. When you are punching leave one hand on your face, in case they want to punch whilst your punching you can block it. When you deliver a punch it is crucial that you bring it straight back to your cheek, I learnt this in Thai boxing and Taekwondo. 

I hope those steps cleared some of the technique up for you!

Thanks for reading, can't wait to see you next chapter!! 

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