Lesson 1:

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Learn How To Fight With Ahsoka:

You Will Learn:

How To Defend yourself against bigger opponents

How To use Jar'kai

How To use Aturu

How To use Reverse Grip

Ahsoka's Stances

Become More Agile

Practice every day!

Lesson 1:

Fighting Without Sabers.

Be sure to stretch before completing any stunts.

Watch this video in slow motion: (1:09-1:41)

This video truly is effective for fighting, if you can master this fight you can take down pretty much anyone. (almost. Of course there are other fighting techniques for different situations that we will also cover.)

So Ahsoka get's her arm out of the clones grip then does a push kick (which is effective to get someone away from you then run in some cases.) After that the video get's fast, so to clearly see the steps watch it in slow motion. So after she kicks she punches the clone twice, then trips the clone next to him, she does the same to another one, then blows a side kick/hook kick to the other remaining clone. 

Then another clone comes at her she partially ducks and whilst she's a bit lower than usual she delivers punches to his stomach, and then kicks him in the chin. Another clone comes at her. Now watch this move carefully. She punches the clone and whilst doing so she turns around and when the clone is behind her she grabs his shoulders and chucks him over her shoulder (which is one of my personal favourite moves.) When he lands she delivers a few more punches to him then quickly side kicks a clone, then spins (on the ground) and punches another clone. Then it goes to Ventress. Ahsoka just uses the force from there to push them away from her. 

Also watch this video in slow motion:

Pay attention to the way that she catches the punch (like what hand) and then how she returns it to the criminal, or even the way that she stands when she's about to attack. These small things are very important so pay extra attention! Also watch in slow motion (even if you can't do it just yet) the way she spins her legs around on the crate, take note for when you do build up arm strength and perfect a handstand. Some of these techniques may be difficult in the video. Here is what you need to do to build yourself up for a fight like this. 

          You need to build up arm strength.

Build a Perfect a handstand

Keep your balance

Perfect The kicks.

Make sure that you have a mat under you, or use a trampoline just in case you fall which I guarantee will happen at least once.

Arm strength exercises below (Arm strength is really important for Ahsoka's fight style!!)

Exercises to build up arm strength: (Not Bulk! Tone.)

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