- Benedict, Tom, and Katja Play Would You Rather

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"So I thought I'd start with a quick Would You Rather speed round about Marvel Cinematic Universe."

"Cool," Tom told her.

"Okay. Would you rather battle Thanos or Baby Groot."

"Poor Thanos. Baby Groot's too cute."

"Yeah," Benedict agreed. "You shouldn't be messing with that sapling."

"I kinda think Groot would mess you up too. 'Cause he can do that thing where he grows his fingers in your nose and-"

"Yeah. That's not even worth thinking about. It's terrifying."

"I agree. Thanos is big, but also less scary, I think," Katja nodded.

"Do you have a favorite Disney movie?"

"I do. I really love Robin Hood. The original one. The fox and the vixen one. And I also love Tarzan. Tarzan is an amazing, amazing one for me."

"Um, I guess it would be Aladdin. I always liked that one as a kid. And Fox and the Hound. I liked that one too."

Benedict rubbed his hands together as he thought. "I'm really bad at favorites, but, I mean, all the Toy Stories are extraordinary."

"Would you rather go to dinner with the Hulk or Bruce Banner?"

"Bruce Banner," Benedict said immediately as Tom thought.

"I kind of would like to have dinner with the Hulk."

"Crowd pleaser," he said, rolling his eyes, making them laugh.

"I'd also probably pick Hulk. I feel like the conversation with him could be pretty interesting."

"Oh, next question," Benedict huffed and they chuckled.

"Would you rather go on a road trip with Thor or Loki?"

"Oh, Loki, one hundred percent."

"Thor," Tom disagreed with her.

"I'm with Katja on this one. Loki."

"But why?"

"Because he's more fun. I feel like you'd find some really cool places and he knows how to blend in better than Thor."

"That's not true," he argued with her.

"You don't see Loki going into a diner and smashing a mug down as he yells, 'Another!'"

"But you don't see Thor come in and try to take over an entire planet," he told her, making the two adults laugh as they continued to argue.

This one was short, but I hope you still enjoyed. Please send me in some ideas! Sorry for the wait, but I just couldn't find any to do.

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