- Interview with Hayley Atwell and Katja Owens

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"Uh, your characters are badasses," Kevin started off. "I really really felt that way. And, Hayley, your entrance scene is so epic and it's so amazing. Your character is just tired of being looked down upon by the men in the military. You hate that aspect. Talk about, like, walking out and shooting that scene. How epic was that for you?"

"That was my first day shooting that scene and it was terrifying. But what was great is that because Peggy is so strong, it gave me the confidence to just go and do it. And I think she is tired of, you know, the constant niggling from guys so she just wants to hold her own and she's kind of reduced to punching them in the face 'cause she's so bored of it all really. But it's great. It was so great to play someone that strong, especially in that era."

"Katja, lots of fans were kind of surprised at how Annabelle was just as ready to get into a fight as Steve." She nodded. "You have that scene outside of the movie theater and you really get to see who she is and she's fighting in this dress and gets some good punches in. What was it like filming that?"

"It was fun. Um, I didn't do all the fighting. I have a great stunts woman, Riley Morgan, who did a majority of the fighting, but I did get to do a few of the punches, so that was a fun experience."

"I found it interesting that Bucky just kind of gave her the go ahead to punch him. Can you explain that a bit or..."

"Yeah. You know, Bucky, Steve, and Annabelle all grew up together and Bucky and Annabelle kind of got placed in the protector role over Steve since he was always getting into fights and I think Bucky got to the point where he knew that she could take care of it and she isn't, you know, the average thirteen year old girl. Like Hayley said, it was really a confidence booster to play someone so strong and confident which I am not at all."

"Talk about that in today's terms with action movies. It's all male driven stars. We need more female action stars."

"Aww. God bless you," Hayley cooed.

"Angelina did Soul and that was awesome, but I think we need, like, a Peggy Carter movie. Maybe a team up between Annabelle and Peggy."

"Oh yeah," Hayley smiled, high fiving Katja.

"I want to kind of talk about their relationship really quick. It wasn't focused on much in the film, but I feel like it was so important."

"Annabelle really looks up to Peggy in a lot of ways," Katja explained. "She wants to be her."

"Yeah, I think Peggy is really honored that Annabelle sees her as a person to, sort of, aspire to. I think that inspires Peggy to make sure that she does things right and that she is the right figure for girls like Annabelle to follow."

"Going back to female action stars, when you play roles like this, do you think we could have more female action stars?"

"Yeah," Hayley nodded.

"Like, we need to do that, don't we?"

"Yeah, I think so, but I think it's very much about what the public demands as much as the films getting made. You know, where the films are being made and giving the response of what the public seems to want. Um, but it's great that you're supporting that. I mean, I wonder what would happen if Peggy took some of the blue serum, who she would become."

"Sequel," Kevin pointed at her.

"There you go," she shrugged.

"Peggy Carter, the Second Avenger. That's what we need to do." The girls laughed. "We need to shoot that."

"The Revenger. Captain Peggy."

"We need to do that. I'll come in and direct it. I'll do my directorial debut of the amazing Peggy Carter."

"Okay. Yes," Hayley said as they continued to laugh.

This was requested by@rosiemay0105. I hope you liked it! Sorry about the length. It's hard to find interviews with her that aren't about Agent Carter. Sorry it took so long. I had exams, but I hope to update more regularly now!

Side note, I think Peggy taking the serum is going to be one of the episodes of the What If? series. Not sure if it's confirmed or not, but I think it'll be cool to see.

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