- 10th Anniversary Photoshoot

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On October 7th, the Marvel Cinematic Universe assembled for their official class photo shoot.

Katja - "It was really surreal. It reminded me of taking a class picture at school, but much more organized and thought through."

Hemsworth - "It felt like being at the Academy Awards or something. Every person had been in one or all of my favorite films."

Tom - "It was like a sea of people who I've grown up watching in one place hanging out."

Katja - "There were so many people everywhere. I was really nervous when some of the people came up and talked to me because these are stars that I've never worked with before directly who I've watched my entire life. They're part of the reason I wanted to do this in the first place. And then they're just coming over and talking to me like it was no big deal. It was amazing. I will never forget it."

Don - "There's a ton of fanboying and fangirling going on in that room with each other."

Elizabeth - "That was crazy."

Pratt - "It's a little but like being drafted to a sports team that has a legacy of championship banners. It's like a dream come true."

Chadwick - "Looking around a room like, 'What did I do to deserve this?"

Robert - "I literally am in dead center in the front row and I'm looking around and going 'Any one of these people could be dead center.'"

Karen - "I just mean everywhere you looked was another superhero movie star."

Hemsworth - "I think everyone was aware that this was coming to a close. We'd all been on this remarkable journey together.

Kevin - "It's been ten years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Here's to ten more."
Hemsworth - "There was huge excitement and buzz to that day."

Katja - "You will never see anything like that assembly of actors again. It was an amazing experience and I am so lucky to have been a part of it and to have these people as my family."

I know it's been a while since I've posted. Sorry! Life has been kind of crazy. This was a request from January by  momo0417. I hope this is what you wanted!

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