- Avengers Playing Who's Most Likely

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"So I'd thought we'd play a game," the young girl said as they moved to the next portion of the interview. "It's called who's most likely. I'll give you a prompt and you say which cast member who matches it the most. So first, who of the cast is most likely to reveal a secret or Easter egg from the film?"

"Mark Ruffalo," Sebastian answered first.

"Mark Ruffalo," Tom said as Letitia nodded. "Mark Ruffalo was at the Thor: Ragnarok premiere and he was Instagramming live the whole thing and he left it on for the movie."

"Oh my God," the girl let out. "That's awful."

"It's pretty hard to compete with that, but I have to say Tom Holland is another one you have to watch out for."

"Oh, true," Letitia agreed with Katja.

"He's learning, but that boy..." Katja sighed and the others laughed.

"Who's most likely to spend time playing with the props?"

"Chris Hemsworth, in my experience," Tom spoke up.

"Actually, I kinda heard that," Sebastian pointed at him. "'Cause wasn't there in Thor: Ragnarok with him when he finds the hammer or whatever and he's picking up different things?"

"Yeah and he wants to- Whether it's a fork or a sword or a hammer, he just wants to, like, hold it and flip it, you know?"

"Who's most likely to scream or jump first?"

"Mackie screams a lot on set," Sebastian said.

"He does tend to be loud," Katja laughed.

"He certainly screams a lot, yeah. All in good fun, but I usually know when he's around from far away."

"Right, but I think it was asking, like, who would scream if they got scared first," Letitia corrected Sebastian.

"Oh, wait. Um..."

"Maybe Scarlett," Katja said with her head cocked as she thought. "Or Lizze. One of them probably."

"Who's most likely to enjoy their costume the most?"

"I would say Tom," Letitia spoke first this time.


"Vision," Sebastian joked.

"Not Vision, not Vision. Tom Holland 'cause it's, um, it's the whole CG thing where you're not wearing the suit."

"Oh, really?"

"It's kinda like- They look so comfortable."

"They do, yeah," Tom agreed.

"And I really just want to punch them in the face every time I see them," Letitia laughed, "because we're there, like, really stiff and then they're just like, you know, like jogging bottoms on with dots on it which is so cool."

"If we're not talking about this film, I'd say Katja would have some good ones," Sebastian pointed out. "She would call me sometimes on set with Spider-Man: Homecoming or even on the Winter Soldier set and she would be in costume and would be looking pretty comfortable."

"Yeah," Katja nodded. "Especially on Homecoming with Tom because we were at school, so most of the time we were wearing jeans and a t-shirt or sweatshirt, so it was just really normal compared to a lot of the other costumes we have to wear."

"Who does the best imitation of a colleague?"

"Tom's not bad," Katja looked over at him. "He's got some good ones."

"Thank you. Benedict is a very good impressionist too. Impersonator. He's done impressions of me apparently."

"Has he?"

"Yep," he told Sebastian. "He hasn't shown me his impression of me, but, uh, yep. I've been made aware."

"Who gives the best look for dramatic effect for the camera?"

"Sebastian Stan," Tom said and Katja nodded. "With that hair, he's just 'whoosh' and then it's there."

"Oh, you mean the hair he doesn't have anymore," Katja laughed as she referred to Sebastian's freshly cut hair.

"The Winter Soldier power."

"The look of lost," Sebastian sighed with a smile.

"Can you demonstrate that for me?" she asked and he glared at the camera.

"That's all it is. It's a stare that kinda goes, 'I'll kill you,' or 'Do you know what's next? Do you know what's happening next?'"

"Last question, who is most likely to always be found doing something?"


"Anything," she nodded at Sebastian.

"Oh, Katja by far."


"Yep," Letitia nodded with Sebastian and Tom while Katja bit her lip with a shy smile. "Whenever I see her on set, she's doing something."

"Yeah. She used to be constantly doing homework, but even now, she's always got something going on or something she's reading or whatever," Sebastian explained.

"Guilty," Katja shrugged with a smile.

Sorry it's a day late, but here it is! This one was not requested, but I needed to get something written to post, so that would be why this is so short. Sorry! Hope you still enjoyed!

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